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it’s a very intresting topic today.

i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid.

every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years.

my father always stands in the center of my life,from past till now and possibly in the future.

my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby,small room rented from my father's factory. the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me.

but father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer.

when i was little, i did everything with my dad. you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him. every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character.

i learnt a lot from my daddy. i learnt to never take things to seriously and to always smile.

like many other fathers, my dad and i also has generation gap. he is not good at or even can’t work the computer. so when i sitting at the computer desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the computer games’ , ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on. how can i- a computer fan – reduce time on computer? so i continue studying and playing on it

years pasted, my father is over 45 now. it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind.

thank you so much!


科学发展观,是立足于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情,总结我国发展实践,借鉴国外发展经验,适应新的发展要求提出来的。科学发展观也伴随处于社会主义初级阶段的我们的国家走过几度春秋。对中国特色社会主义的发展起了重大的指导作用。而今,我们又在科学发展观的引领下,不断争先创优。争先创优是一种激励继续奋勇前进的动力,它鼓励我们努力在自己的岗位上,做得更好,从大局看要为人民服务,构建和谐社会,建设中国特色社会主义,实现共同富裕的目标,而要从我们自身来看就是要努力学习的基础上为同学们服务,构建和谐海大. 身在海大的我们作为社会主义的建设者和接班人,也应积极参与到“争先创优”的活动中来,为构建和谐校园贡献自己的力量。同时,这也是在为社会的和谐进步所做的我们力所能及的事。








Once upon a time,there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the suitors who came to the king's palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, into the king's palace came a handsome young prince... Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, with the prince claiming the princess's hand triumphantly.

And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line And they live happily every after.

Why aren't we tired of something so fanciful, so unrealistic, and, I would say, so unimaginative? How can a story like that endure generations of repetition`? Because, I think, it is a typical success story. It is highly philosophical and symbolic. By implication, we see a 4-step definition of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess; 2 ) challenges to be met, as represented by the three tasks; 3 ) the process of surmounting difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; and 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage.

The story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. The reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. If a person inherits his father's millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term success, to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor. To clarify my view, let me give another analogy.

If we changed the rules of football, greatly enlarged the goal and sent away David Seaman or any other goal keeper, so that another David, namely David Beckham, could score easily, then scoring would not give him the thrill of accomplishment and the joy that it brings. If we further changed the rules by not allowing Arsenal's defenders to defend, so that Beckham needed only to lift a finger, actually a toe, to score, then there would be no game at all, because the meaning of winning would have disappeared. In accepting the challenge, in surmounting the difficulties and in enduring the hardship, success acquires its value. The sense of attainment varies in proportion to the degree of difficulties on overcomes.

The concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative. Something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person. In acquiring the ability to do the same as you can, he or she achieve success. That's why we greatly admire Stephen Hawking, because, though confined to a wheel chair, he has contributed greatly to the field of science.

I myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer from stage fright, had to pluck up great courage to take part in a speech contest like this. I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering the university level contest.But I chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. Now here I am. If I come out first, it will be a great success for me. If I come out last-I hope this will not be the case-but if I come out last, I will not call my attempt a failure, but will also celebrate it as a true success, because part of my goal is my own character training-to do more assertive, to be brave in face of difficulties. For me, it is a meaningful step forward, small as it is, in the long journey toward the final success in my life, because I have truly gained by participating.


There is a large house lost children walking in the mountains at night, saw a cave, he wanted to put in to have a rest. Can just into the hole saw to a late ties of predecessors to stay inside, scared to dare not speak, but the elder wave phase invited is very high. Want to charity, his life won't have what bad heart, the children came and visit.

Configuration of predecessors and intonation and had no difference, just ask some household chores, after feeling each other, the children ask elder said: “your cemetery in another place, but why here?” Predecessors lamented: “I hope no mistakes during his life, just step by step, while reading a few when this work, it's nothing. Surprisingly buried in a few years later, suddenly the tomb built a huge monument, the inscription above in addition to my name, official position, mostly exaggerated, some even are imagination, disorderly blow. My life is simple, oneself already very upset, and attracted visitors often mocked sound, after read the inscription on the surrounding ghost also get together to watch from time to time, but also mocked. I can't bear so much gossip, hence escape here, only on the day of every year martyrs, to the graveyard to see the children.” Encourage the children to politely predecessors: “have the people do not have such inscription on morality, filial piety is not enough to make the family honor. Even great scholars sorted, you can write some beautiful words, big writer han yu had a proverb to himself by writing fulsome inscription made some drinks. In many such examples, you why so bitter?” Predecessors seriously said: “rights and wrongs, in people's mind, even if others can be far off the mark, ask yourself but ashamed. And far off the mark don't really have much benefits, uphold the prosperity lies mainly in children, I why use this function to recruit people laugh at again?” Say that finish, kiss xiu leave.

This fable is obviously fictitious, its meaning in warning: living only memorize practically objective evaluation, can make people feel at ease, spirit also can forever. You know, in the heart of the monument must be giant stone is more important than the erect, longer.


One day, a jewelry merchants from xinjiang to talk to a family business, see the embossed on the desk with a translucent stone, they want to use a small piece of jade ornaments, owners don't agree. Later to talk about a few times, master deliberately put the price very high, and there are additional conditions, thus not clinch a deal.

The master thought: this is not how the lion rock someone want to buy again and again, if to renovate it, can make a person more not love? Then, the translucent stone in earnest with sand paper burnish, drilling hole, also tied a red ribbon, appear round. But after a year or more, this has been polished polished jade still no one attention, baffled and master.

Later, the returned from xinjiang to the jeweler and came to the family, after see the polished stone is very sorry to say: “this stone is actually a very rare piece of treasure jade, the original twelve small hole, 12 according to the arrangement, every time there will be a hole into red, and disappear in turn, the cycle. As a result, the jade of natural instrument is a kind of calculation time. However, now the jade after polishing, weight reduced not only, but more important is can change color timing also be ground out of holes, more make the value of this piece of jade. The original can be sold at least ten thousand yuan of above, but now is one thousand yuan also few people want to, not only because this jade now is too common, and easy to weathering brittle after polishing, after some years will gradually broken.” Say that finish, the bargain man turned and walked in xinjiang.

The lesson of the story is profound: it is to have the ability to recognize and validate spirit, clever often self-defeating; The second is to naturalness and everything, exterior brightness is not equal to have practical value. Although not grinding abrasive “jade”, but some jade grinding can become waste rock instead.


Have family nurse to do a can rotate circular toys for fun baby, baby love. Mammy often turn it, attracting many children and baby have fun together.

The friend called male plant, heard about this toy, please take a look at the master, he glanced at his hurried and burned the toy, also blame the master said: “the ancient hate rounded gentleman sings a way:” would rather founder for the slaves, not smooth for big officer; rather founder and insulted, also cannot achieve smooth glory. 'there are particularly stubborn gentleman also not to look up into the sky, because I hate day is round. Someone explains, big, difficult to see, so that day was round, in fact it is not round. But the gentleman replied,' day even not round, but people have called it the circle, so I still hate it. 'why are you home made this revolving round, wild children make it for fun? Children like it when I was young, when I grow up must prefer round. Guide the children like to round things is a kind of injustice, and personally playing round things, the more is founder. Ay, you dote on round thing in the home, away from home will like little unp smooth wind. How do I know you will not say circle circle, at the end of life? How can I be your friend?“

The master had to cry said: ”I had a circular toys, because the baby so you blame on me, if I treat foreign object with the manner of the circle, to strict adherence with the nature of circular fashion, is not round not to participate in, is not round not to do, so the male plant wouldn't you want to take a knife or arrow kill me?“

The logic of the story though exaggerated and absurd, but also that everything has a duality. Round round this, there is no good and bad, in different places have different purposes. Car wheels make it round to least resistance, can be dangerous if make circular brick to build by laying bricks or stones wall is very big. Life is like this: too smooth, lost the principle and position; It is not sharp, also hard to do things well. Therefore, need not routinely hate rounded, and should be the party, party, the circle is the circle.


In the past, a man of the State of Chu intended to go to the State of Zheng to sell pearls.

First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite case which he fumigated with the delicate fragrance of osmanthuses and Chinese prickly ashes. Furthermore, the case was inlaid with emerald-green jadeite, and adorned with attractive rosy jade. The whole case was decorated in an extremely exquisite way.

A man of the State of Zheng saw this exquisite case and liked it very much. He bought it with a great deal of money, but he returned the pearl in the case to the man of Chu.

Later, people ridiculed the man of Chu by saying that he was good at selling cases, but not good at selling pearls.

To go too far in the pursuit of form just like letting a presumptuous guest usurp the host's role, which brings about opposite results.


Ye Gong was well-known for his fondness for dragons: In the house where he lived, dragons were painted on the walls and carved on the pillars and the four walls of his bedroom. There were dragons everywhere, up and down, front and back, with each dragon baring its teeth andbrandishing its claws.

In the heavens there was a real dragon. It was very happy to hear that Ye Gong was so fond of dragons.

One day, the sky suddenly darkened, and then came wind, thunder and rain. The real dragon flew to Ye Gong's home. It poked its head into the window in the south and coiled its tail to the window in the north, rocking and rattling the whole house.

At the sight of this real dragon, Ye Gong was frightened out of his wits. He trembled all over and hurriedly hid himself.

So it turned out that what Ye Gong liked was painted and carved fake dragons but not real ones.


Zeng Zi was one of Confucius' disciples.

One day, Zeng Zi's wife wanted to go to market. Their son wanted to go together with her. He made a row, crying and fussing without stop. His wife could do nothing but bend down tohumour him, saying: ”My darling, go home now. Mama will be back soon. When I'm back, I'll kill the pig to make a meal for you.“

When the son heard this, he went home happily.

Not long after, the wife returned home from the market. Zeng Zi tied up their fat pig, took out a shining sharp knife and prepared to kill it. When his wife saw this, she hurriedly held Zeng Zi by the hand and said: ”What's the matter with you? I was only trying to humour the child.“

Zeng Zi said seriously: ”How can you cheat a child? The child is still small and doesn't understand things. He only follows the example of his parents. Now you cheat him, then he will follow your example and cheat others. Furthermore, when a mother cheats her child, the child will no longer trust his mother. Then, how can you educate the child well?“

Having said this, Zeng Zi raised his knife and killed the fat pig.



King Pandion of Athens had two daughters,Procne and Philomela.When Athens was threatened by the wild men,King Tereus of Thrace came to its help.Out of gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the Thracian king chose Procne as wife. For yearsthey lived in Thrace and had one son,Itylus by name.Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela.At her repeated requests Tereus sailed to Athens tofetch Philomela.On the way back his evil heart took flame at the sight of Philomela who was then in her beauty of maidenhood.He seized and carried her away by force,cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in a lonely hut in the woods.To Procne he lied,saying that Philomela was dead.Philomela stayed in prison for ayear,where she had woven her painful story into the web of a robe .Then she managed to send the robe to her sister. As soon as she received the web Procne came over to the woods and to reher sister away from the keepers.

Back at the palace, the two women,hot for paying back ,killed little Itylus and served him up to his father . When Tereus learned of the terrible truth he grasped his sword and chased the sisters into the woods. There the gods turned Procne into a swallow,Philomela a nightingale and Tereus a hoopoe .





Nereus and Proteus

Of all the small sea divinities Nereus and Proteus stood out as Peculiar sea-gods.Nereus,known as“the Old Man of the sea”,represented the pleasant aspect of ocean waters.He lived beneath the sea with his fifty lovely daughters,of whom the most famous were Amphritrite,Thetis,Galate a and Panope.It was Nereus who advised Heracles to seek Prometheus in the hero's search of the golden apples.

Proteus was Poseidon's herdsman. He was well known for two qualities:the gift of prophecy and the power to take various forms.At one time he was a lion with a curly wavy hairs;at another he appeared in the shape of a wild boar;and still another he stood a stately tree covered with rich leaves.When,after all these and many other changes,he failed to get rid of his questioner, the god offered detailed answers.






Dionysus was the god of wine.He was the son of Zeus by Semele. When his mother was burnt to death in the glory of Zeus .He was still a helpless infant.His father trusted his upbringing to some mountain fairy maidens .They tookthe greatest care of him. Under the tutorship of Silennus,the Satyr, he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine. He travelled far and wide in his carriage drawn by wild beasts. He was said to have been to India and Ethiopia .Wherever he went, there was music and song and revelling.Hisattendants,known as the Bacchantes, were noted for their noiseand disorder.A most wild,noisy crow,they drank,danced andsang in a careless way.The women Bacchantes were infamous for their excessive immodesty and disgraceful excitement .In their madness and intoxication they committed cruel violence. They tore Orpheus,the gifted musician,limb from limb.King Pentheus of Thebes,for frowning on the worship of Bacchus in his kingdom, suffered the same treatment at the hands of a band of these fanatical women,of whom his own mother was the leader.




The Black Cat

You are not going to believe this story. But it is a true story, as true as I sit here writing it—as true as I will die in the morning. Yes, this story ends with my end, with my death tomorrow.

I have always been a kind and loving person—everyone will tell you this. They will also tell you that I have always loved animals more than anything. When I was a little boy, my family always had many different animals round the house. As I grew up, I spent most of my time with them, giving them their food and cleaning them.

I married when I was very young, and I was happy to find that my wife loved all of our animal friends as much as I did. She bought us the most beautiful animals. We had all sorts of birds, gold fish, a fine dog and a cat.

The cat was a very large and beautiful animal. He was black, black all over, and very intelligent. He was so intelligent that my wife often laughed about what some people believe; some people believe that all black cats are evil, enemies in a cats body.

Pluto—this was the cats name—was my favourite. It was always I who gave him his food, and he followed me everywhere. I often had to stop him from following me through the streets! For years, he and I lived happily together, the best of friends.

But during those years I was slowly changing. It was that evil enemy of Man called Drink who was changing me. I was not the kind, loving person people knew before. I grew more and more selfish. I was often suddenly angry about unimportant things. I began to use bad language, most of all with my wife. I even hit her sometimes. And by that time, of course, I was often doing horrible things to our animals. I hit all of them—but never Pluto. But, my illness was getting worse—oh yes, drink is an illness! Soon I began to hurt my dear Pluto too.

I remember that night very well. I came home late, full of drink again. I could not understand why Pluto was not pleased to see me. The cat was staying away from me. My Pluto did not want to come near me! I caught him and picked him up, holding him strongly. He was afraid of me and bit my hand.

Suddenly, I was not myself any more. Someone else was in my body: someone evil, and mad with drink! I took my knife from my pocket, held the poor animal by his neck and cut out one of his eyes.

The next morning, my mind was full of pain and horror when I woke up. I was deeply sorry. I could not understand how I could do such an evil thing. But drink soon helped me to forget.

Slowly the cat got better. Soon he felt no more pain. There was now only an ugly dry hole where the eye once was. He began to go round the house as usual again. He never came near me now, of course, and he ran away when I went too close.

I knew he didnt love me any more. At first I was sad. Then, slowly, I started to feel angry, and I did another terrible thing . . .

I had to do it—I could not stop myself. I did it with a terrible sadness in my heart—because I knew it was evil. And that was why I did it—yes! I did it because I knew it was evil. What did I do? I caught the cat and hung him by his neck from a tree until he was dead.

That night I woke up suddenly—my bed was on fire. I heard people outside shouting, Fire! Fire! Our house was burning! I, my wife and our servant were lucky to escape. We stood and watched as the house burned down to the ground. There was nothing left of the building the next morning. All the walls fell down during the night, except one - a wall in the middle of the house. I realized why this wall did not burn: because there was new plaster on it. The plaster was still quite wet.

I was surprised to see a crowd of people next to the wall. They were talking, and seemed to be quite excited. I went closer and looked over their shoulders. I saw a black shape in the new white plaster. It was the shape of large cat, hanging by its neck.

I looked at the shape with complete horror. Several minutes passed before I could think clearly again. I knew I had to try to think clearly. I had to know why it was there.

I remembered hanging the cat in the garden of the house next door. During the fire the garden was full of people. Probably, someone cut the dead cat from the tree and threw it through the window—to try and wake me. The falling walls pressed the animals body into the fresh plaster. The cat burned completely, leaving the black shape in the new plaster. Yes, I was sure that was what happened.

But I could not forget that black shape for months. I even saw it in my dreams. I began to feel sad about losing the animal. So I began to look for another one. I looked mostly in the poor parts of our town where I went drinking. I searched for another black cat, of the same size and type as Pluto.



In the past, there was a man named Ai Zi who was fond of sailing on the sea.

One night, Ai Zi had his boat moored1 near a small island Around midnight, he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water. So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: ”Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded. I am an alligator2 and have a tail. I am very frightened of being slaughtered3, so I am crying. You are a toad4 and don't have a tail. What are you weeping for?“

After a while, Ai Zi seemed to hear someone answer: ”Though I have no tail now, I am afraid that I may be traced back to the time when I was a tadpole5 with a tail then, so I am weeping.“
















演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。下面是关于中考长篇演讲稿,请参考!












现在的你,或许成绩一时不太理想,这并不可怕,可怕的是你早早地丧失信心,可怕的是你没走上战场就倒下来。现在距离中考还有100天,也就是说还有2400个小时, 144000分钟, 8640000秒。只要我们把握每一秒,每一秒都在创造奇迹,那每一秒就会有奇迹发生!










同学们,今天,我们离中考决战仅有100天的时间,100天就是100次的冲锋,100天就是100次的搏击!树大志能耐寂寞,惜寸阴乃得寸金,十数年潜心磨剑,六月初谁与争锋。珍惜100天,奋斗100天,让青春的蓓蕾在六月绽放;拼搏100天,努力一百天,让父母恩师在六月畅想期望!我们有决心苦战百天,逐鹿考场;我们有信心笑傲六月,神采飞扬。 中考,容不得我们有片刻停滞,中考,容不得我们有半点闪失!中考,容不得我们有一丝迟疑,中考,我们必须胜利!


篇17: 自我介绍演讲稿长篇











我们认为“与巨人同行”的关键是要从观念上创新,重点是集成全球资源,提高开放度和参与度。近几年我们积极引进系统化设计、模块化货、整合供应链资源等理念,进行了战略成本前移等管理流程方面的创新。 多年来,公司在管理创新方面做了大量的工作,如ISO9000体系、ISO14000体系、ISO10015体系认证和学习TQM、TPM及持续推进精益生产。所有体系贯标的过程都是学习和创新的过程,通过体系贯标不断提高管理水平。在我们的观念里,借鉴别人的东西结合自己的实践做到位、做到极致就是创新。




大家好!非常感谢曙光双语学校能够给予我这样的一个机会让我来到这个地方作 自我介绍 ,我叫赵春晓,听起来是一个很女性化的名字,但是它却具有非常主要的意义。它除了能够说明我是出生于春天的清晨,更重要的是这个名字饱含了一个父亲对一个儿子的期望,这个名字饱含了三个“第一”:赵,百家姓之首,春,四季之首,晓,一天之首。寓意是一年之际在于春,一天之际在于晨。




当然在组建社团的同时,我并没有忘记对自己学业的要求,顺利地通过了国家 英语 和计算机二级考试,在学有余力的情况下我阅读很多课外书籍,自学了网站设计,成立自己的心灵工作室,探讨心理学的应用前景,尤其是与一些人文学科结合的途径与方法,同时我也非常关注家庭教育方面的信息,尤其是我在大二那一年,在友人的帮助下,我们创建了“教子有方家庭教育研究中心”,虽然最后结果失败了,但是给我们一个最大的印象是,学校教育不是万能的,对孩子起决定性影响的是家庭教育。我相信我在今后的工作中,也会非常关注这个方面的信息。










再一个就是学校为了我们聘请了优秀的教师队伍及辅导员,就拿教我们《太阳能光 发电应用原理”的崔旭阳老师说吧!他的专业是“锅炉气流能量的研究,”与我们的专业风马牛不相及,学校能聘请我想是可以理解了,毕竟有人给我们上课了,在课堂上向老师提的问题,在不能及时的给出答案时,老师会很诚恳的说:“同学们,回去我会给你们查的”起码他教会了我们做人要诚实,还有就是我们各班的辅导员,我们姑且称之为可爱的人吧!就拿我们班辅导员柳老师来说吧!“想为学生所想、做为学生所做”是我见过的又一位优秀辅导员,就拿班级的卫生来说,她不是站着指挥、监督,而是用自己的行动亲力亲为去扫除那碍眼的垃圾,虽然说:学生不为老师而学,但老师必为学生而教,她的行为已经影响了我们,在这里我仅代表自己向柳老师说一声:谢谢了!




















Thank you very much, director sir, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Before my speech, I would like to show you a video which happened in Hangzhou about our Hangzhou SME summit, can I?

Thank you!

After 3 days, you know, in house meeting Internal and fly all the way here, and I did not feel quite well today. But when I see the entrepreneurs, when I came to the SMEs, I always feel excited. Because when I join the SME Conference, I see, from the eyes, the dreams, the passion, the hope. When I join the Fortune 500 Conference, among the CEOs, I see the numbers, I see the revenues, I see the KPIs, I see the bloody competition. But among the SMEs, you see ”I have a dream, I want to do something.“ And that happens all the time and that makes me excited all the time.

And today I think last year every people say:”Woo, the economic is in trouble, and we are all dead, what we are going to do?\" Today everybody seems to be happy, say the economy come back .Is it really that the economy comes back? I don't think so .The money is going to big companies, the money goes to infrastructure; the money goes back to the stock market. It seems nobody learns from that. How can the economy come back if the SMEs do not come back? How can the economic come back if the dreams are not back, the hopes not come back?

I saw one thing that, few days, you know, 2 days ago I had a dinner with my Singapore friends and they said: “Singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, Because, you know , people are aging and not enough kids.” I think SMEs, we, every economy, every nation, needs instant package to have more small medium size companies, to have more hopes, because every big company comes from the small business. If without hope, without this kind of instants to have more babies, we are going to die.

Why I always feel excited? I have 8 babies. In the far past 15 years, I built up 8 companies, seven of them, very healthy; one of them, I sold it. And I keep the babies, when I look at my babies--Alibaba , Taobao, Alipay and you know ,the company we just have AliCloud, we just have a new baby 2 month ago . I always feel excited because you see the hope, you know this baby is going to change me, this baby is going to change the world can change the customers. And that’s the thing I always feel excited. If you want to be happy, have more babies. If you are the government, want your economy to be good, have more SMES. These are the dreams, these are the hope, these are the future. So this is all we want to say, but enough, we’ve been crying, say: “please give us support.” But all the SMES ask yourself one question. We are not crying babies. We believe we are tomorrow’s Google, we believe we are tomorrow’s eBay, YouTube; we believe we are tomorrow’s UPS. If we believe we are, we can be; if you don’t believe, you never be.

We heard a lot of government say:” (we give you) let me know what we can do. let me know what we can help SMES.” we heard a lot of banks say:” well, we’ve been, you know, give loans to a lot of SMES.”I heard some bank said, well, one of the bank president said: “we gave like, you know, 200 millions US$ to the SMES.”I ask:” what’s the size the loan you give?”20 millions dollars. How can you say the 20 millions? As the research I got, from Alibaba Group (Alibaba statistic), 87% of the SMES, what they need, the fund is below 60 thousand US$. But they gave the loan 20 millions to some big companies, they are not SMES, they are not the hopes.

But, I think all the SMES say (that) nobody can help you. My 8 companies, I always say, nobody help us, only we can help ourselves. Don’t rely on the government, don’t rely on the bank, forget about that. Rely on your friends, rely on relatives, rely on your small dreams and always keep that thing in head. Because I’ve been trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble. Within the past the years, I even did not borrow one cent from banks, my kids grew up, I don’t know why.

And the banks always say because we don’t have enough information from the SMEs. Tell me, any fortune 500, any big bank, CEOs or presidents go to the SMEs summit? No! They go to the CEOs summit. How could you get information if you do not go there to listen to them, talk to them, share experiences with them? To see what they need is only 50 thousand US$, instead of 20 million dollars. How can you get enough information? So, I think, well, we discussed yesterday say, banks are banks. They always have to control the risk. Right! So government banks, let’s think about something new. New financial structure that can really help those millions of hopeful small companies that need only 50 thousand US $. What is the right structure, what is the right organization to support them? That’s the thing we should think about.

So the other thing I want to share with you here is always I believe that small is beautiful. And this financial crisis, it gave a lot of disaster; it’s a disaster to big companies. This world, in 21th century, I think in last century, it’s bigger is better. You have big (you know) factory, big amount, everything is big is good. This century, in the 21st century, I always believe small is beautiful. Because it’s not how fast your machine is. It’s not how many equipment you have, it is how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.

Because the information time, Internet and technology make a difference. So the world IT last century is designed for the manufacturers. This century IT is designed for making a help to the consumers. So I think this is a disaster for the big company, century disasters for big companies. But it is a great opportunity for small businesses. For this financial crisis, we see a lot of big companies, we would never thought they would die, AIG, to me it’s like the empire, how could this happen. Right all the G, the big car company which we respect, we always want to be there. But today, they all died.

And let’s look at all the SMES, we still feel painful, but we are happy in our heart because we are still surviving. And we heard so many stories about big companies giving trouble. And I see the society; the government pays too much attention to these big trouble makers. They are the trouble makers and we gave them enough support, let them die; It’s the time for them to die because they make troubles. Every big company, they have different disaster, different problems, but all the SMES, have the same problems. They need understanding and support.

This world is not fair, I know, so that’s why I want to encourage everyone all the SMES here, I’m the SME, I have 8 kids, I am still SME, I still believe I’m small. Because when I am small, I know l can be big and I hate to be big, unfortunately. When I was a small company, only have 20 people, I felt so excited. Well, I can call every employee’s names and I know every time, everything I want to change, I can change within half a minute. Now, oh, terrible. When I was 20 years old, my friends said:” you company is not big enough. If you are big, you are like a big boss. You are easy, right, you can control your time.” No, my time is not controlled by myself; my time is controlled by all the meetings, sectary, KPI, shareholders, all the things. It’s much tougher than when you are small. So I always believe the first day love is every beautiful. Believe the first day love, when you are small, at least you can have time to go out go to cinema with your wife and kids and enjoy wonderful view. But when you are big, you always go to the board meetings.

And also I want to say that, I give you some, today I come here, people say Jack, you do not prepare, why don’t you have PPT.I never prepare PPT, you know, I’m not good at technology. I was trained to be a high school teacher and the only thing I can know about computer, funny thing, I’m running one of the biggest e-commerce companies in China, maybe in the world, but I know nothing about computer, the only thing I can know about computer is to send and receive email and browse. That’s it. Because I always think technology is for the people, people are not working for the technology. But today I come here, as an entrepreneur. I am prepared every day. I’m not prepared for the PPT, because every time when I use the PPT, something wrong, I cannot use it.

So I come here to tell my old experiences, I want to share with you as 8 kids’ father what I did when I have trouble. When I have trouble, I always remind me 3 things: focus on your customer, serve your employees, and learn from your competitors. These are the key issues that I learned.

Focus on your customer, everybody toady talking about shareholder NO.1, I hate that. I think it’s always customer NO.1. It’s the customer give you the money. It’s the customer give you the innovations. It’s the customer that makes you happy. Year and year , when Internet bubble burst, we cannot get any money, we did not have revenue, we have nothing, but everyday what encouraged me go on was letters of thanks and emails from my customers, said Jack, Alibaba, keep on. Because you helped us, someday we will help you. That’s the dream I had.

So today, we believe shareholder NO.1 .you only think about making numbers. You only think about revenues, you only think about how can make you stock market go up. And I let you know, no shareholders can be trusted. I tell you the truth. Well, our share stock price, 2 years ago, we listed, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars. Before that list, a lot of shareholders came to say Jack: “we are long-term shareholders, please give us more shares, we will keep it.” When the financial crisis time came, the day when IPO, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars, we went up 40 dollars without doing anything good in 24 hours. And then financial crisis came, 40 dollars to 3 dollars without doing anything bad, they all gone. Most the shareholders, they are share traders. How can you trust on them? So rely on your customers because the customers stay with you, customer grow up with you, customer give you the money, give you the hope, give you the support. So focus on customer.

And secondly, rely and serve your employees, it’s you employee, your team that make the difference. It’s the employees that make all the dreams realize. If we say we have so many problems in our big companies have a problem in getting the innovation, how to make thing happen, well, because they do not listen to the employees, they focus too much on the shareholders. And the shareholders, they give you this idea, that idea, when you really do their idea, they are gone. They change all the time, but the employees stay with you.

I remember the tough days, was so difficult year and . There was only one group of people that stay with me, that’s my colleagues. And people say Jack:” you don’t have to pay me for 2 years, I will stay with the company because you respect us, because the customers love us. “I tell you one funny thing, the only way you believe your employees are talents, they are talented people. If you don’t believe them, they will never be. My mistake I made when I was, in the year 2000, we raised 500 thousand US$ and that 5 million dollars. When we have money, we started to make mistakes. I tried to hair as many talents as possible. Those talents are MBAs; those talents are vice presidents of multinational companies, because I believe if you have MBA, you must be good, right. But when I hired these guys, oh, my god, it’s terrible. These guys came to tell you strategy. I only had 5 million dollars, I remember one of the vice president marketing said: “Jack this is the budget for next year marketing.” I said: “what that, 12 million dollars is. I only have 5 million.” He said:” I never done any plan below 10 million.” When something wrong, is always your fault, because you never know. So try to find the right people, not the best people or your employees. So if you try to hire great people in your own company which your company is not good enough at that time, just like put a Boone 747’s engine into a poor tractor, when that goes, your tractor never fly, into pieces. So my suggestion is that look at your employees, develop them, only when they are developed, your company will be developed.

The day when we IPO, we created more than a thousand millionaires at least in the company. All the guys in the sitting room, we had a chat. Said:” ask me. Now tell me one thing, why you are so successful. Why we are so successful when we are 20s, become millionaires. What happened, are we very hard working people. I think there are much more hard working people outside. Do you think we are smart enough? Oh At least, I’m not smart, I took 3 years 3 times to go to the university. I failed all the times. I don’t think I’m smart, I don’t think you are smart. “

And that time in the year 2000, it’s so difficult for Alibaba to hire people. If they are not very that much disabled, we hired them, if they can walk, we hired them. Because nobody believed the Internet, nobody believed e-commerce would work in China, nobody believed that. You know, Internet can happen. But these guys, because they have no jobs, so let’s come here. They joined the company. Those MBAs, Those people with great backgrounds, a lot of hunting company, they moved out, they started their own business, now, today they all failed. Those guys, nobody hunting them, those guys, never thought of having the dream to build their own company and stayed with the company. After 5 years, we all succeed. Why? We keep our dreams, we believed it, no matter how big your dream is, make small tiny steps .I had and grow with them, grow up with the company.

So, my mistake in year 2001 I told my 18 founders, I said: “you guys can only be team manager, all the VPs I will hire from outside.” Now 10 years have passed, all the wonderful people I hired from outside, 100% gone. And those which I think, how could you be successful. These guys all become VPs and directors. They are all powerful. Because they believe they can. So I want to tell everybody here, we all small but care your employees. These are the people, they have the families, they have dreams, they come here not only for the job, they come here with the dream to get shared with you.

And the third thing is learn from your competitors. Don’t hate the competitors. Big companies hate competitors, I love my competitors. Without competitors, we will never grow up that much fast. Year , when we started Taobao, it’s a C2C option model. EBay, my competitor, at that time is with 80 billion dollars market capital. We, small tiny, but we started compete. It’s a lot of fun to compete with big guys. , you know if I started have a box with Taisen, I’m horned, you know. If you have a chance to compete with somebody, it is a great competitor, you learned. We learned from our competitors, we respect them. Everything they move, you grow. And the other thing I want to share with you is that competitors are the best laboratory for you. Because competitors studied you. Any innovative idea they come, you learn that. Don’t copy them, learn from them. So I love my competitors, every time when I look at them with admire.

But in China, people say, Jack, you are so crazy. Because 4 years ago, I said, when I look though the microscope, I never see my competitors. People say, “How could you be that Kuang wang.”And I said: “I’m looking for examples, models, why should I look for competitors. Competitors are everywhere.” And when you compete, having you found the most interesting part of the business is competition. To make your competitors angry, to make your competitors jumping around, that’s the skill you should have. Not make yourself jumping around and angry, right? Business is such a great fun. When you compete, when I compete, if I got angry, if I jumping around, I know something wrong. Because this is a wrong strategy to compete. When you compete, not the purpose to make your competitors unhappy. If they are unhappy, if they jumping around, if they try to use money to care of things, you start to win. Because they start to lose money. When competitors start to use money to compete, they start to lose. Business is about wisdom, business is about hope, business is about courage.

So these are old excuse, and nobody comfort us I learned to use my right hand to comfort my left hand when I’m in trouble. You always tell yourself, OK, I’m still surviving, I’m still growing, and everything is good. At least I’m still surviving. Right so when you are big, you start to worry about losing something. When you are small, you start to grow. So I always believe small keeps the hope. So these are the thing I want to share with you and the last most important thing I want to say is never ever give up your dreams. I almost ,I think, you cannot eat food for 7 days that you will die, five to seven days; if you do not drink for 3 days, you will die; if you do not breath for 3 minutes, you die; but if you lose hope and dream for 1 minute, you die.

So I want to tell you that I had problems in the past 10 years. These days when I walk in China, when I look at the airport, a lot of books about me, about the Alibaba, I feel very nervous. Because these are not the books interviewed me, these are the books all right, we are not that good, we are not that bad. But today, something, you know, successful, they started to write good things about it. We made so many mistakes. The only book that I dream to write about is Alibaba’s 1001 mistakes. Every mistake I think you count it, I made it. And I know you will make it, too. Because when I was doing business, everybody said:” Woo, this is a mistake. This guy is going to make it, that guy is going to make it. I’m never going to make it.” I tell you, you will never make it. And you will make it again, again, and again. When you are making it again and again, don’t lose confidence. Make it again, you will win. That’s all we did. I mean, nobody is perfect, right?

So I almost lose my confidence in the year 2002. I had a big trouble with my team in the USA. I learned from a great consult guy to join the company, Jack:”Alibaba is doing international trade, international trade needs English. Which country has the best English you believe?” I think, USA, Right.” Now, internet needs great technology, which country has the best technology? ”We said, hen USA. Where? The Silicon Valley. So we moved our Alibaba.com to the Silicon Valley. And when I arrived at Silicon Valley, we suddenly realized something wrong. We hired people from Miami, from New York, from all over the world. They all came to the Silicon Valley. After 3 months, the problem was that nobody in the Silicon Valley knew the trade. So what’s the point having good technology and English. We are not English site. All the small medium size companies, I across aboard, they know what exactly what you are talking about no matter how terrible your English is. Right? So I stopped the mistake and I told the people, say: “sorry, it’s a mistake. Let’s move back.” So after 2 months, we moved back to China again.

The funny thing is that everybody was happy at that time because Internet is boosting. They got a lot of compensation shares, they got a lot of cash pay and finding another job is easy. And nobody wants to the shares. We give them one cent per share, no, no, no, we want cash. Now you know, they don’t believe your dreams. If they believe the dreams, give them the shares one cent. If they don’t believe, I want the cash, let them go. And I was so disappointed, a lot of people we hired, they do not want. They want cash. No matter how wonderful, at that time, it is easy to raise money, people still want cash. So I say, OK, let forget it. And I walked for half an hour on Beijing Street, my colleague was with me, and then I told myself, go to bed, sleep, tomorrow, again. Though ,We started. Today, things changed. So I want to tell you never ever give up your dreams.

And today I encourage myself and our team that reminds us one thing always I want to share with you to finish my speech that--today is very difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is very beautiful. Most people die tomorrow evening. You will never be able to see the day after tomorrow’s sunshine if you give up the hope, you will not see it. If you give up your employees, you will never see it, if you give up your customers, you will be dead. But if you give up shareholders, you will get a better one.

Thank you!





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