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1.恶狗(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: ago

2.靠坟(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: coffin

3.冒死(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: mouse

4.剃头啦(打一英语单词)—— 谜底: teetotaler

5.八哥(打一英语单词)—— 谜底: bug

6.我跑(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: appall

7.额必死(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: abyss

8.死盯(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: sting

9.飘臭(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: putrid

10.毛病(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: morbid

11.狗屎(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: gauche

12.飞离(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: flee

13.额的妈呀(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: admire

14.死壮(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: strong

15.抚脑(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: flower

16.俺必胜(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: ambition

17.何处觅他(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: hermit

18.背噢(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: bale

19.爱过你(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: agony

20.拍死它(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: pest

21.胖的要死(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: ponderous

22.俺不能死(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: ambulance

23.扑来个男的(打一英文单词)—— 谜底: pregnant

24.四十几个女人裸奔(打一英语单词)—— 谜底: Basketball

25.四十几个女人裸奔(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: Basketball


1.这破妮子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: Japanese

2.死洞(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: stone(石头、宝石)

3.额耐克(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: alike(相同的,相像的 )

4.Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?) —— 谜底: Because someone will give her away.

5.What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? —— 谜底: dictionary

6.What animal wears big black glasses on its face? —— 谜底: Panda熊猫

7.得死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: dearth

8.What's the difference between a hill and a pill? —— 谜底: A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down

9.What can you break with only one word? —— 谜底: Silence.

10.How long can a goose stand on one leg?(多久能鹅单腿站立?) —— 谜底: try it and see

11.What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? (打一物) —— 谜底: mirror

12.不认识(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: prince王子;巨头;

13.摸(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: more(多,更多)




1. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

2. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?

3. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

4. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

5. Which letter is a drink?

6. Which letter is around an island?

7. Which letter is an animal?

8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

9. Which is the longest English word? Why?

10. Which letter is a question?

11. Which letter is a part of your face?

12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?

13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?

14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?

15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?


1. the sun

2.a bird

3. blackboard

4. a clock

5. T(tea)

6. C(sea)

7. B(bee)

8. P(pea)

9. smiles(There's a mile between the first and the last letter.)

10. Y(why)

11. I(eye)

12. an elephant

13. a giraffe

14. the whale

15. father/daddy




1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?

5. Which letter is a drink?

6. Which letter is around an island?

7. Which letter is an animal?

8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

9. Which is the longest English word? Why?

10. Which letter is a question?

11. Which letter is a part of your face?

12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?

13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?

14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?

15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?

16. What is the biggest ant in the world?

17. What is in the middle of the world?

18. What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?

19. What is the smallest room in the world?

20. Teachers write on me with chalk. I can’t talk. What am I ?

21. You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is it?

22. Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?

23. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

24. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

25. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

26.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

27. I fly, but I have no wings. I cry, but I have no eyes.

28. How many letters are in the alphabet?

29. I am always with you. Sometimes behind you, sometimes before you, sometimes by your side, but you can’t see me in the dark.

30. What table is in the field?

31. What table can tell you what to do?

32.What changes a pear into a pearl?

33. What letter makes a road broad?

34. When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?

35. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers without water. What am I?

36. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?

37. I am everywhere in the earth. Without me, you have to die. What am I ?

38. I can’t walk. I can’t fly. I can swim. What am I ?

39. I am green in spring and yellow in autumn. Birds like me and people like me. What am I ?

40. Chicken grows from it. What is it?

41. It’s very small in the sky, but it’s actually very big. What is it?

42. It’s a colourful bridge in the sky. What is it?

43. Why do lions eat raw meat(生肉)?

44. Why is six afraid of seven?

45. A woman has 7 children, half of them are boys.

How can this be possible?

46. I am white. You can drink me. I am in the dairy group. What am I ?

47. I am green or red. I am spicy and hot. I am in the vegetable group. What am I ?

48. I am a kind of fruit, green outside and red inside. What am I ?

49. I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I ?

50. I am orange. I am thin and long. Rabbits like me very much. What am I ?

51. David was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?


1. blackboard 2. a clock 3. the sun 4.a bird 5. T(tea) 6. C(sea) 7. B(bee) 8. P(pea) 9. smiles(There’s a mile between the first and the last letter.) 10. Y(why) 11. I(eye) 12. an elephant13. a giraffe

14. the whale 15. father/daddy 16. an elephant 17. the letter “r”

18. mom 19. mushroom 20. a blackboard 21.a book 22. the moon

23. chicken 24. stamp 25. fire 26. river 27. cloud 28. eight

29. shadow 30. vegetable 31.timetable 32. “L” 33. “b” 34. (22)

35. a map36. hot dog 37. air 38. fish 39. a tree 40. an egg

41. a star/ the sun/ the moon 42. a rainbow 43. Because they can’t cook.

44. Because seven eight(ate) nine.

45. Because all of her children are boys.

46. milk 47. pepper 48. a watermelon 49. a banana 50. a carrot

51. Because he’s bald.



1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?

5. Which letter is a drink?

6. Which letter is around an island?

7. Which letter is an animal?

8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

9. Which is the longest English word? Why?

10. Which letter is a question?

11. Which letter is a part of your face?

12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?

13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?

14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?

15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?


1. blackboard

2. a clock

3. the sun

4.a bird

5. T(tea)

6. C(sea)

7. B(bee)

8. P(pea)

9. smiles(There's a mile between the first and the last letter.)

10. Y(why)

11. I(eye)

12. an elephant

13. a giraffe

14. the whale

15. father/daddy




1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?

2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?

3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?

4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?

5. Which letter is a drink?

6. Which letter is around an island?

7. Which letter is an animal?

8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?

9. Which is the longest English word? Why?

10. Which letter is a question?

11. Which letter is a part of your face?

12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?

13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?

14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?

15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?


1. blackboard

2. a clock

3. the sun

4.a bird

5. T(tea)

6. C(sea)

7. B(bee)

8. P(pea)

9. smiles(There's a mile between the first and the last letter.)

10. Y(why)

11. I(eye)

12. an elephant

13. a giraffe

14. the whale

15. father/daddy







【小学生谜语大全24】、住在黄金屋 。(打一字谜)



【答案】: 掠

【小学生谜语大全26】、去了上半截,有了下半截,比成两半截,又无下半截 。(打一字谜)





【答案】: 肉(内人)





【小学生谜语大全19】、伯父隔壁没住人 。(打一字谜)







【答案】: 魂(说鬼)


【答案】: 记

【小学生谜语大全30】、只是近黄昏 。(打一字谜)




1.小马哥的老爸在市立图书馆(四字成语) 答案:识途老马(市图老马)

2.哞哞叫的牛一下水游泳后就不叫了(四字成语) 答案:有勇无谋(哞)

3.小麦的两包面都被偷了(四字成语) 答案:面面俱到(盗)

4.这封信是两颗蛋做的(四字成语) 答案:信誓旦旦(蛋蛋)

5.这冰看起来就好像是张铝箔(四字成语) 答案:如履(铝)薄冰.

6.一头被公尺绳子栓住的老虎,要如何吃到公尺外的草? 答案:老虎...不吃草

7.这个东西,左看像电灯,右看也像电灯,和电灯没什么两样。但它就是不会亮,這是啥东西呢? 答案:坏掉的电灯

8.天知地知我知(打福建一市县名) 答案:三明

9.长安一片月(猜一字) 答案:胀

10.人在不饥渴时也需要的是什么水? 答案:薪水

11.海水为什么是咸的? 答案:鱼流的泪太多了

12.为什么阿福总要等老师动手才去听老师的话? 答案:他是个聋子

13.钻进钱眼里的人最终会怎样? 答案:最终会死

14.老王已经年过半百为什么总爱围着女人转? 答案:老王是推销化妆品的

15.用什么方法可以使人不喝水? 答案:把水改名字

16.一斤白菜5角钱,一斤萝卜6角钱,那一斤排骨多少钱? 答案:一两等于十钱一斤1钱



19.阿珍什么家务都不会做,脾气又坏,他爸妈为什么还拼命催她结婚? 答案:其目的是为了嫁祸于人.

20.一间屋子里到处都在漏雨,可是谁也没被淋湿,为什么? 答案:空房子

21.什么人可以饭来张口,衣来伸手? 答案:婴儿

22.脱了红袍子,是个白胖子去了白胖子,是个黑圆子。猜一植物? 答案:荔枝

23.一辆出租车在公路上正常行驶,并且没有违反任何交通规则却被一个警察给拦住了,请问为什么 答案:警察打车

24.有一个网站,凡是上网的人没有不先去那里为什么? 答案:任何人都能够各需所爱.

25.鸭蛋一打有多少个? 答案:全没有了碎了

26.后脑勺受伤的人怎样睡觉? 答案:闭着眼睛睡觉

27.人死后为什么变得冰凉? 答案:心静自然凉

28.现代人为什么越来越喜欢挖耳朵? 答案:爱讲脏话的人越来越多了

29.友情和爱情怎样区分? 答案:友情出现在白天爱情出现在晚上

30.吃不到葡萄,也不说葡萄酸,为什么? 答案:理解

31.十万个为什么是什么? 答案:想问什么就问什么

32.什么时候我们会甘心熄灭自己的生命之火? 答案:切生日蛋糕之前

33.三名犯人聆听法官宣判,法官说左右两个无罪,究竟为什么? 答案:关中

34.中国人讲什么话? 答案:中国话

35.地球有两处地方,昨天可以是今天,今天可以是明天,那地方是哪? 答案:南极和北极

36.小凯开着车子,却始终到不目的地,为什么? 答案:车子倒着走

37.芳芳吃牛肉面,却不见任何牛肉? 答案:她吃的是牛肉泡面

38.大明的英语呱呱叫,可是老外,都听不懂他讲的? 答案:头撞到水中的乌龟

39.陆先生刚理发完,便要求理发师降他的头发“中分”理发师说做不到,为什么? 答案:他的头发是奇数

40.圣 诞 夜, 圣 诞 老 公 公 放 进 袜 子 的 第 一 件 东 西 是 什 么 ? 答案:脚


1.苹果树上有二十个熟透的苹果,被风吹落了一 半,后又被果农摘了一半,那么树上还有几个苹果? 答案:5

2.从一写到一万,你会用多少时间? 答案:最多5秒,10000

3.为 什 么 拿 破 仑 的 字 典 里 没 有 一个“难”字 ? 答案:他的字典是法文

4.和尚打着一把伞,是一个什么成语? 答案:无发无天

5.什么花可以看而不可以把握? 答案:水花和烟花

6.哪种火车车厢最少? 答案:救火车

7.什么人是人们说时很崇拜,但却不想见到 答案:上帝

8.胖妞生病了,最怕别人来探病时说什么? 答案:多多保重

9.中国人最早的姓氏是什么 答案:姓善“人之初,性本善.”

10.一只健壮的鸭子为什么在小河中溺死了? 答案:想不开自杀了

11.从前,遍地是金的山是什么山? 答案:旧金山

12.铁放到外面要生锈,那金子呢 答案:没了

13.农夫养了10头牛,为什么只有19只角? 答案:其中一只是犀牛

14.小明的爸爸只当了一次官,而且只当了几天。可是因为当了那次官,闹得他每天都要掏腰包,他当的是什么官 答案:新郎官

15.什么时候最好还是要高高举起你的双手好些 答案:当人用手枪指着你的头的时候

16.小明家住在五楼,可是电梯坏了,他自己也没有走楼梯,他却上了五楼回到家里,这可能吗 答案:妈妈背着他上楼

17.一个苹果减去一个苹果,猜一个字。 答案:0

18.三个金“鑫”,三个水叫“淼”,三个人叫“众”,那么三个鬼应该叫什么 答案:救命

19.哪儿的海不产鱼 答案:辞海

20.楚楚的生日在三月三十日,请问是哪年的三月三十日 答案:每年的三月三十日

21.有种动物,大小像只猫,长相又像虎,这是什么动物 答案:小老虎

22.猴子每分钟能掰一个玉米,在果园里,一只猴子5分钟能掰几个玉米 答案:一个也没有掰到

23.小红口袋里原有10个铜钱,但它们都掉了,请问小红口袋里还剩下什么 答案:还剩下一个洞

24.世上什么东西比天更高 答案:心比天高

25.什么贵重的东西最容易不翼而飞 答案:人造卫星

26.三个孩子吃三个饼要用3分钟,九十个孩子九十个饼要用多少时间 答案:三分钟

27.一个伟大的人和一只伟大的狮子同一天诞生,有什么关系? 答案:没关系

28.醉鬼是什么人? 答案:宣布自己没醉的人

29.当地球爆炸时,什么地方最安全 答案:地猴

30.哪一件衣服最耐穿? 答案:最不喜欢的那件

31.法王路易十四被砍头后他的儿子当了什么? 答案:孤儿

32.世界上什么没有标价? 答案:情意

33.小云和阿花已经结婚了,为什么他们还偷偷摸摸的约会呢? 答案:他们分别是和别人约会

34.一个人什么“地方”能大能小? 答案:心眼儿

35.一年前的元月一日,所有的人都在做着一件非常重要的事,你记得是什么事吗? 答案:都在呼吸

36.小王跑步为什么总是保持一个姿势不变? 答案:因为他在照片中

37.左看像电风扇,右看像电风扇,虽然像电风扇,就是不会转,请问这究竟是什么? 答案:停电的电风扇

38.什么情况下,每个人都会主动地发挥赴汤蹈火精神? 答案:吃火锅的时候

39.3个人3天用3桶水,9个人9天用几桶水 答案:九

40.为什么有一个人经常从十米高的地方不带任何安全装置跳下 答案:跳水运动员

相关专题 谜语英语