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托福阅读句子简化题实例解析 如何利用逻辑解题法解决简化题?






逻辑解题法主要有以下三个步骤: 通读原句,分析句子结构,找到句子主干及句子所表达的主要逻辑关系 查看选项,排除非主干逻辑的选项 根据句子内容,对应逻辑关系的具体对象,选出正确答案。


下面我们来看一个例子: 例: The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

上面这句话就是一个高亮的句子,我们来看一下对应的 4 个选项: A. Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people. B. Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread over large areas of land. C. The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort. D. Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.

按照逻辑解题法的步骤,首先我们先分析一下原句,找到主干逻辑。很明显,这句话主语是 The extreme seriousness,谓语 results from,后面 as well as from 与前面并列,连接了并列宾语,所以这句话的主干逻辑就是 “result from” 所表现出来的因果关系。

第二步查看选项,我们可以直接排除 C D 两个选项,C 选项因果关系缺失,D 选项中 “unless” 表示句子逻辑关系,中文释义为“除非”,不是因果,所以 D 选项也没有因果概念。答案应该在 A B 之中选择。

第三步对应逻辑关系主要承接对象,选定最终答案。原句中 “result from” 前面的部分是结果部分,而 B 选项 “because of” 前面表示结果的部分跟原文中不一致,排除。A 选项的结果部分与原句的结果部分一致。所以选 A。最后,做完题还应进行验证。看这个题目选的这句话跟原文那句话的意思是否一致,规避一些基本的小错误。


例:He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several.

通过分析句子,我们可以看到,句子中有两个逻辑关系,一个是因果,一个是条件,“reasoning” 表示“因果关系”,“if” 表示“条件关系”。但是“条件”是被镶嵌在“因果”关系里面的,主干逻辑为 “a reasoning that b”,a 以 b 为原因,而这个原因就是 if 引导的从句,这意味着因果关系要比条件关系要高一层。所以我们在选择的时候主要的逻辑关系应该是因果,不是条件。看下面四个选项:

A. Edison was more interested in developing a variety of machines than in developing a technology based on only one. B. Edison refused to work on projection technology because he did not think exhibitors would replace their projectors with newer machines. C. Edison did not want to develop projection technology because it limited the number of machines he could sell. D. Edison would not develop projection technology unless exhibitors agreed to purchase more than one projector from him.

通过上述分析,我们可以知道,答案为 C,D 选项虽然与原句表达的意思相似,但是不能选 D。因为因果和条件这两种逻辑差别的关系:已经发生的事情属于因果关系,尚未发生的事情属于条件关系。




The Ministry of Public Security's amended regulations on driving licenses increase the penalties for motorists who run red lights, as well as authorities who issue licenses to new drivers who cause serious accidents.


新规中对running red light (闯红灯) 和 blocking or defacing license plates (遮挡、污损号牌) 等行为的point penalty (扣分处罚) 从之前的3分提高到6分; drunk driving (醉驾) 的客货车司机将面临 lifetime ban (终身禁驾)。

Newly qualified drivers (新司机)上高速必须由三年以上驾龄的司机陪同,一旦发生fatal accident(致命事故)将追究license-issuing authorities (发证机关)的责任。


1. Muhhamad Ali Jinah:


There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.


2. Margaret Sanger:


Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers — and before it can be his, it is hers alone.


3. Marilyn Monroe:


A wise woman likes but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe and leaves before she is left.


4. Dick Van Dyke:


Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them.


5. Whitney Houston:


I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.


6. Cameron Diaz:


What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have.


7. Farrah Fawcett:


God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I've ever met.


8. Yul Brynner:


Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.


9. Joseph Conrad:


Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.


10. Oscar Wilde:


Women are made to be loved, not understood.



What are the skills that are most important to learn during your 20s?


1. Build a foundation for health.


In your twenties it's easy to feel like you're invincible. That fast food and the five margaritas you downed the night before burn right off and you wake up the next morning feeling fine. This does not last. Start building healthy habits now before they catch up to you later. At 30, I'm still struggling with this one myself. Get in the habit of eating healthfully and exercising. Your body will thank you for years later.


2. Learn resiliency.


Your twenties is a time when most are relatively free of the responsibilities that will increase into your thirties and forties. This is a great time to experiment, fail, and bounce back. Learn how to ride out failure and persevere. Life is full of challenges. The twenties are a great time to toughen up and start teaching yourself how to be emotionally and mentally resilient enough to weather both the joys and hardships to come.


3. Figure out what lifestyle and career work for the real you.


I felt like a failure throughout my twenties because most of my university friends seemed happy in corporate jobs that made me miserable. I felt constant pressure to fit a specific mold. It's only within the past year that I've started to come to terms with who I really am and what really makes me happy. Life is not one-size-fits-all. Choose the career and lifestyle that are true to you, not a version of that you wish you were.


4. Learn to live within your means.


Learn smart financial management now. Learn how to live within a budget and maintain good credit. A mistake I once made, and one I still see a number of my peers making, is being a slave to lifestyle: taking cabs everywhere, buying expensive clothing, and having meals out constantly. This is stupid and reckless. I know people who were left completely adrift despite having made great salaries because they had no savings when their careers hit a rough patch. Their income was spent all on things that are frivolous. Luxuries are a wonderful thing only if you can truly afford them. Don't be a slave to funding a lifestyle that will not last. Learn to live modestly and save up, and then you will have earned the right to purchase yourself some treats, in moderation.


5. Choose who you spend your time with carefully.


Time is a precious commodity and you start to realize that increasingly into your mid to late twenties. Choose your friends wisely. Separate yourself from toxic or negative influences, those who would waste your time, and those who encourage you to focus on the unimportant. Seek out people who give you happiness, who inspire you, who support you, and nourish those relationships instead.







Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits.

Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

○Functional applied-art objects cannot vary much from the basic patterns determined by the laws of physics.

○The function of applied-art objects is determined by basic patterns in the laws of physics.

○Since functional applied-art objects vary only within certain limits, arbitrary decisions cannot have determined their general form.

○The general form of applied-art objects is limited by some arbitrary decision that is not determined by the laws of physics.

原句的主要信息点包括:因果关系since, 否定信息not, 强调信息only。选项C和这几个信息正好完全对应。答案却是A! 因为C把原文的因果关系完全颠倒过来了!










1. 多书面语:词汇句式复杂

2. 论证严密:观点阐述严密,逻辑环环相扣

3. 结构复杂:多观点结构


Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit).S1 Many explanations have been proposed for why dinosaurs became extinct. S2 For example, some have blamed dinosaur extinction on the development of flowering plants, which were supposedly more difficult to digest and could have caused constipation or indigestion—except that flowering plants first evolved in the Early Cretaceous, about 60 million years before the dinosaurs died out.S3 In fact, several scientists have suggested that the duck bill dinosaurs and homed dinosaurs, with their complex battery of grinding teeth, evolved to exploit this new resource of rapidly growing flowering plants.S4 Othershave blamed extinction on competition from the mammals, which alleged lyate all the dinosaur eggs—except that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur egg safter 120 million years of coexistence. S5Some explanations (such as the one stating that dinosaurs all died of diseases) fail because there is no way to scientifically test them, and they cannot move beyond the realm of speculation and guesswork.S6


拿第一句话Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, derived from the German name Kreidezeit)为例子,这句话出现了K-T boundary,sedimentation,Cretaceous等词,不是常见词汇,而且这句话中包含了原因状语从句(becauseit is associated...),非谓语(known as.../found in...),同位语(usually a thin band of sedimentation...),插入语(K is the tradition abb...),所以总结一下,就是生词多,句式复杂。

第二点观点阐述严密,逻辑环环相扣。这一段第一句话的意思是恐龙灭绝了,紧接着第二句话说到Many explanations have been proposed 。第一个explanation是把恐龙的灭绝归咎于开花植物的发展,但是(except)开花植物在恐龙灭绝前6千万年前就已经进化了,进而否定了恐龙因为开花植物而灭绝这一解释。后面in fact这一句话更加证实了恐龙不是因为开花植物而灭绝。第二个explanation是因为哺乳动物吃恐龙蛋导致恐龙灭绝,但是(expect)在其灭绝前,恐龙和哺乳动物共处了1.2亿年,进而否定了恐龙因为哺乳动物而灭绝。最后一句话Some explanations fail既做了总结,又表达出态度:一些原因不能解释恐龙灭绝,呼应开头。

第三点结构复杂,多观点结构。第一句话Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct 呼应主题,交代背景。紧接着Many explanations...,for example后面来列举解释恐龙灭绝的原因。some.....原因解释1,破折号后面except表示转折,否定前面的原因;in fact 表示递进关系,进一步解释说明前面一句话的意思---否定恐龙灭绝是因为开花植物。others...原因解释2,破折号后面except表示转折,否定原因2。最后一句话Some explanations fail总结上文,明确表达出态度。整段是分(some......others......)——总(explanations fail)结构。




Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington, is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country, it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer of Puget Sound?

A. It is native to lowlands and marshes.

B. It is more closely related to the mule deer of eastern Washington than to other types of deer.

C. It has replaced the black-tailed deer in the open prairie.

D. It no longer lives in a particular type of habitat that it once occupied.

这是一个典型的细节题,在该题题干中,有的考生会选择Puget Sound作为关键词回原文定位,因为它是专有名词,在文中会比较显眼。但是如果一旦选择了这个地名,势必会定位在该段的第一句话,托福细节题往往是定位在哪句就在哪句找答案,这样的话考生是选不出正确答案的,因为定位不精确。其实正确的关键词应该是white-tailed deer,这个用连字符连接的词在文章中也是比较醒目的,按该词定位应是该段最后一句话。所以根据它的意思应该选D项。其中A项与原句意思不符,B和C都与定位句信息无关。我们再来看另外一个否定事实细节题的例子:

Plant communities assemble themselves flexibly, and their structure depends on the particular history of the area. Ecologists use the term “succession” to refer to the changes that happen in plant communities and ecosystems over time. The first community in a succession is called a pioneer community, while the long-lived community at the end of succession is called a climax community. Pioneer and successional plant communities are said to change over periods from 1 to 500 years. These changes—in plant numbers and the mix of species—are cumulative. Climax communities themselves change but over periods of time greater than about 500 years.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true of climax communities?

A. They occur at the end of a succession.

B. They last longer than any other type of community.

C. The numbers of plants in them and the mix of species do not change

D. They remain stable for at least 500 years at a time.

这个题大家都会选择用climax communities去定位,但在定位过程中会出现很多问题。首先考生要学会跳跃式定位,即根据文章中特殊的标点符号以及最醒目的词来搜索我们真正需要的关键词。文中的particular是加了阴影的,succession是在引号里面的,都非常醒目,通过看这两个词我们会发现它们附近没有我们需要的东西;再比较突出的就是数字及破折号,在500的上方有a climax community,但它是单数,与题干关键词不完全匹配,细节题讲究的是精确定位,所以我们应该选择500斜下方的Climax communities,即该段的最后一句话。否定事实细节题的出题思路有两种:一是无中生有,即根据定位点的内容,四个选项只有一个没有提到,这种思路多适用于选项比较简短的题目;二是张冠李戴,即根据定位点的内容表述,只有一个选项与之矛盾,这种思路多适应于选项比较长的题目。就这个例题而言,根据定位的最后一句话,从表述上来说跟它相关的只有C和D两个选项,D项的意思与原句相符,而C项与原句矛盾,所以正确答案是C。综上所述,做新托福阅读的细节题,最重要的一点就是要尽量地去精确定位。



Wind power has a significant cost advantage over nuclear power and has become competitive with coal-fired power plants in many places. With new technological advances and mass production, projected cost declines should make wind power one of the world’s cheapest ways to produce electricity. In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electricity. The hydrogen gas could then be fed into a storage system and used to generate electricity when additional or backup power is needed.

Wind power is most economical in areas with steady winds. In areas where the wind dies down, backup electricity from a utility company or from an energy storage system becomes necessary. Backup power could also be provided by linking wind farms with a solar cell, with conventional or pumped-storage hydropower, or with efficient natural-gas-burning turbines. Some drawbacks to wind farms include visual pollution and noise, although these can be overcome by improving their design and locating them in isolated areas.

Based on the information in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4, what can be inferred about the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas mentioned at the end of paragraph 1?

A.They rely largely on coal-fired power plants.

B.They contain remote areas where the winds rarely die down.

C.Over 1 percent of the electricity in these states is produced by wind farms.

D.Wind farms in these states are being expanded to meet the power needs of the United States.

这个题目的题干涉及到三个段落,而事实上考生根本不需要去看第一段的内容,因为答案依据的是第三、四段的信息,但是这两个段落如果都看的话内容也不少,从应试的角度来说太费时间。正确的做法应该是从选项中挖掘一下方向。A项里大家一般都会选择有连字符的coal-fired作为关键词去定位,B项没有比较显眼的词就只能选名词短语remote areas,C项选1 percent, D项选the United States。选完关键词我们不难发现除了B项不大好定位以外,其他三个选项的关键词都很醒目。经过定位,A项应该去比对第3段的第一句话,意思明显矛盾;B项不好找,可以暂且跳过;C项和D项的关键词在这两段都找不到,这就属于新托福阅读中推理题的错误答案设计方法之一 ——无中生有。所以虽然我们没有去验证B项的说法是否正确,但经过排除也只能选B了。这样的做题方法就会省时省力,且答案也是正确的。在考试中,这种情况往往会影响考生的心情,进而影响水平的发挥,但是只要我们了解了ETS出题的套路就能把它们轻松搞定。





找到原句中的关键的词在选项当中进行同义替换。例如In evolutionary history, the development of language set humans apart fromthe rest of the animal kingdom.

Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Humans evolved as the most powerful species after they are developed language.

B. The creation of human language has its origins in the language of animals.

C. The emergence of language distinguished early humans from other animals.

D. Humans and animals developed completed different systems of communication.

先来看题干:Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

该题要求从选项中选择一个能够表达原文阴影句子核心信息的句子。很多同学采用翻译的方法做题,即首先翻译原句,然后逐个翻译四个选项。这种做法不仅浪费时间,而且对我们的读句子的能力要求极高。更好的做法是,首先判断句子的核心信息。这是考题当中为数不多的原句比较简单的句子释义题,原句的核心概念在于强调区分(apart from)。因此找到同义替换,即是C项当中的distinguished。但是大多数题目的原文不会是一个简单句,多数是带有逻辑关系的复杂句。那么简单的同义替换技巧就无法操作了。如何快速解决这种题型呢?我们主要分两个部分来解析。


The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.

B. Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth.

C. The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort.

D. Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.


句子中最核心的信息首先就是该句的逻辑关系。原句的逻辑关系可以由result from 来判断,为因果关系。借此我们就可以缩小选项范围,首先排除掉C,D选项。剩下的A,B两个选项均包含因果的逻辑关系。接下来我们可以根据句子的第二种核心信息:主语,来判断。原句的主语是Desertification沙漠化,而B项的主语是Slowing down the process of desertification减缓沙漠化进程。所以排除掉B选项,A为正确答案。


It is one of the most important sensations because it is translated into a negative reaction, such as withdrawal from danger.

Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Escaping from danger is a negative reaction, but it is the most important thing an individual learns.

B. The ability to sense pain is extremely important because pain signals the body to respond to a threat.

C. Experiencing pain is one type of reaction to a negative stimulus; another type is avoiding danger.

D. We experience a lot of sensations, and the most important ones are translated into appropriate actions.

浏览原句,从because可以看出逻辑关系为因果关系,并且原句当中有绝对化词汇most。仅仅凭借most这个程度很强的词汇我们可以排除C选项。因为原文当中带有绝对化词汇而选项中没有,那么这个选项为必错选项。接下来利用逻辑关系排除A项,A中为转折关系。而B恰恰有because 这个词,此外B中的extremely可以作为most的同义替换。正确答案为B。




01. Flatbread in mutton soup (yangrou paomo) – Yangrou paomo is the most iconic [标志性的] dish in the Xi’an foodscape. The ritual [例行公事] before eating a paomo – tearing the bread into small pieces yourself before letting the chef turn it into a stew [炖的食物] – is as enjoyable as the dish itself.

带有汤汁的饭菜通常用in + 汤汁这个公式来表达,如红烧肉就是diced pork stewed in brown sauce。


02. Xi’an meat burger (roujiamo) – Roujiamo is the city’s favorite burger. A delicious roujiamo is composed of [由……组成] two key elements – juicy shredded [切成碎片的] braised pork [炖猪肉] and a crispy baked bread.

肉夹馍其实是馍夹肉__但不管怎样,肉夹馍和西方的汉堡包很类似,只不过肉夹馍用的是饼,汉堡包用的是面包。顺便说一下,驴肉火烧可以翻译为donkey burger。


03. Cold noodles (liangpi) – Rice noodles are cooked, cooled and thinly sliced. The noodles are often served in a sauce made of chili oil [辣椒油], pepper powder, vinegar and diced garlic [切成丁的大蒜]. Then it’s garnished with [配有] bean sprouts [豆芽] and sliced cucumber [黄瓜].

提到noodle的时候,通常都是复数noodles,因为我们不可能就吃一根吧!方便面叫instant noodles。


04. Biangbiang noodles – commonly described as resembling a belt, biangbiang noodles are wide, thick and long. One string of noodles can easily fill you up.


05. Hot and sour soup dumpling (suantang shuijiao) – Who can resist a bowl of dumplings swimming in hot and sour soup with sesame seeds [芝麻], minced leek [葱花] and cilantro [香菜]? Suantang shuijiao is flavorful and refreshing with a lingering (and pleasant) aftertaste [回味无穷].

汤圆一般翻译为sweet dumpling,如果要告诉外国人饺子和汤圆的区别,恐怕得进一步解释一下。


06. Steamed beef and wheat powder (fenzhengrou) – This unassuming-looking [其貌不扬的] dish packs 23 herbs, spices and seasonings into one serving and requires seven hours to cook.

馒头可以翻译为steamed bun,包子就是有馅的馒头,可以说成steamed stuffed bun,但有些地方包子馒头都用steamed bun。


07. Kabob (chuan’er) – coated with chili [辣椒] and cumin [孜然] powder, it’s a highly addictive [使人上瘾的] midnight snack for Xi’an residents. It’s not unusual for locals to order 100 of them in one go.



08. Pomegranate juice – Pomegranates are a local specialty product. Pomegranate juice stands pop up around town every fall.

我中学大学的时候会说的水果很少,撑死5个:apple, banana, pear, orange, grape。有一天我去菜市场,立志要把所有常见水果的英文说法学会。


09. Glutinous rice and date cake (zenggao) – Cooked overnight in a zeng – a traditional earthen utensil [泥做的器皿] – most vendors [商贩] only prepare one batch [一炉] of zenggao (glutinous rice [糯米] and date [枣子] layered cake) a day.

glutinous rice也可以简单说成sticky rice。我们传统的英语课堂上通常是不会教这些词汇的,因为考试不考,看到人名地名,老师也会跳过(基本不会教人名地名的发音),因为考试不考,这就导致我们中的绝大多数出了学校就像从来没有学过英语一样,因为只会用排除法做选择题。凡是我们经常看到的,听到的,想到的,都应该设法用英语说出来,这样才会有成就感,才不会觉得枯燥,才不会放弃!


10. Soup dumpling (tangbao) – Shanghai’s xiaolongbao? Wrong. It is Xi’an’s own version of soup dumplings. Instead of pork, tangbao in Xi’an is mutton meat and soup packed into a paper-thin wrapper.

这里把汤包翻译为soup dumpling其实也可以理解,因为汤包和饺子也没有绝对的区别。总之,中文和英文是两种截然不同的语言,词汇不可能完全对应,需要我们不断揣摩和体会,这也许就是语言的魅力吧。加油!


首先,“雨夹雪”是sleet,MacMillan English Dictionary – American对它的解释是:

1. a mixture of snow and rain

2. if it is sleeting, sleet is falling from the sky



1. sleet 雨夹雪-导致地面湿滑。

2. sleek 光滑而有光泽。如sleek black hair就是洗发水广告中经常出现的“乌黑顺滑的头发”。

3. sleigh 雪橇-雪橇是用来滑的。著名圣诞歌曲Jingle Bells里有一句歌词是Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh。

4. slide 滑动;滑梯。sliding door是滑动门,也就是开关的时候是往左右两侧滑动的门,与转动的合页门对应。

5. slip 滑(倒)

6. slippery 湿滑的;狡猾的。Caution Slippery Floor(小心地滑)在很多公共场所可见。

7. slippers 拖鞋-后跟拖着在地上滑动,发出嚓嚓的响声。拖鞋是一双,所以要用复数slippers。

8. slope 斜坡;斜面-东西放上去容易往下滑。还记得物理课上的斜面吗?上面放一个长方体,问斜面与地面的夹角大于多少度时长方体会往下滑动。






“老司机”的直译是experienced driver,也就是说,这里的“老”并不一定指年纪大,而是“有经验的”。中文里的“老”意思很多,“老鼠”、“老外”中的“老”跟年纪也不相关。

【例】He is a very experienced driver who has worked with us for 13 years. 他是一名经验丰富的司机,和我们工作了了。


其实非常巧,英文中正好有一个词叫old hand和中文的“老手”精确对应,当然也可以对应“老司机”。Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition是这样解释old hand的:If someone is an old hand at something, they are very skilled at it because they have been doing it for a long time。

【例】An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years. 提姆是一名资深的摄影师,他的爱好是拍摄野生动物,这一爱好已经持续了13年。

(来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition)

既然词典说了veteran是old hand的同义词,那么“老司机”还可以说成veteran。既然词典又说了novice是old hand的反义词,那么novice就对应于我们常说的“菜鸟”。


old hand/ veteran /ˋv?t?r?n/ 老司机

novice /ˋnɑv?s/ 菜鸟


托福阅读插入题实例解析 为何总在插入题栽跟头?






The findings of these geologists inspired others to examine the rock and fossil records in different parts of the world.

Not only could Smith identify rock strata by the fossils they contained, he could also see a pattern emerging: certain fossils always appear in more ancient sediments, while others begin to be seen as the strata become more recent. ■By following the fossils. Smith was able to put all the strata of England's earth into relative temporal sequence. ■About the same time, Georges Cuvier made the same discovery while studying the rocks around Paris. ■Soon it was realized that this principle of faunal (animal) succession was valid not only in England or France but virtually everywhere. ■It was actually a principle of floral succession as well, because plants showed the same transformation through time as did fauna.


Not only could Smith identify rock strata by the fossils they contained, he could also see a pattern emerging: certain fossils always appear in more ancient sediments, while others begin to be seen as the strata become more recent. ■By following the fossils. Smith was able to put all the strata of England's earth into relative temporal sequence. ■About the same time, Georges Cuvier made the same discovery while studying the rocks around Paris. ■Soon it was realized that this principle of faunal (animal) succession was valid not only in England or France but virtually everywhere. ■It was actually a principle of floral succession as well, because plants showed the same transformation through time as did fauna.



实例解析——托福阅读“三步法” 搞定细节题

备考托福的同学都应该知道,在满分为30分、共有42道题的托福阅读部分里,细节题占据了一半左右的题目,可谓细节决定成败!那么如何来做这看似简单的细节题呢?很多同学会说:细节题,那还不简单?首先,找题目中的关键词,去定位;其次,读懂关键词在文章中的句子;最后,看选项中哪个选项最符合文章的意思,就选择哪个。没错,细节题的思路确实如此。可是,这么简单的几个步骤,是否真的就是如此的简单? 新东方在线的邓玥老师为我们详细的解析了拿下托福细节题该有的步骤:


在托福阅读题目中找关键词,是解题的第一步。可是,关键词怎么找?什么样的词才能作为关键词?很多同学会这样回答:这还不简单!比较级和最高级,数字,大写。没错,这些都是我们常见的定位词。那么,用这样的方法,我们看看怎么来定位下面这道题。这是TPO28第一篇文章underground water中的第八题:

Q8 According to paragraph 2, what is the relationship between permeability and porosity?

A. The more pores a rock has, the higher its porosity but the lower its permeability

B. Rocks with many internal spaces that are not connected with each other will have high porosity but low permeability.

C. If water flows through a rock easily, it has permeability but low porosity.

D. Rocks that have high permeability have high porosity and vice versa.




Groundwater is stored in a variety of rock types. A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer. We can effectively think of an aquifer as a deposit of water. Extraction of water depends on two properties of the aquifer: porosity, and permeability. Between sediment grains are spaces that can be filled with water. This pore space is known as porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. Porosity is important for water-storage capacity, but for water to flow through rocks, the pore spaces must be connected. The ability of water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability. Fractures and joints have very high permeability. In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to flow. The rate at which the flowing water overcomes this resistance is related to the permeability of rock.

我们来看一这下这段文字。在整段中,我们都没有找到含有 relationship 的句子。这个时候,大家所知道的——读关键词所在的句子——这条方式就行不通了。此时就需要大家先找出含有porosity 的句子:his pore space is known as porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume,从这个句子中,我们可以知道,porosity 指的是岩石储藏水的能力。然后,我们再来找到含有permeability 的句子:The ability of water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability,也就是说岩石的小孔连接起来,让水留过,这就是渗透性,也就是permeability。那么此时,我们再来理清楚二者的关系:岩石的储水能力,就是多孔性;岩石的小孔相联系,水能够流过,这就是渗透性。











有些同学认为,托福和SAT或GRE相比是一门很 “二” 的考试。新东方在线的邓玥老师在实际的教学过程中经常会被很多学生问到这样一个问题:老师,我还有一个月左右的时间就要考试了,怎么样能够在这一个月的时候,拿到阅读的高分呢?邓玥老师为这门很 “二” 的考试总结了如何在一个月之内快速攻克阅读部分的方法,供各位童鞋理解和学习。



在短短的一个月内,想要在托福的阅读部分获得一个较高的分数,还是需要不断的努力的。针对做题方法不熟悉这个问题,首先,需要大家在一个月的时间内,按照老师所讲的托福阅读的方法,来做大量的练习——刷题。俗话说 “纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”,大多数学生一直都是在听老师讲解,托福阅读细节题怎么做,推断题怎么做,修辞目的题怎么做,但如果你自己没有认真的去做几套题,你是永远无法掌握老师口中所讲的方法的,也不能体会题干中的规律和奥妙。因此对于没有做过托福阅读练习的同学来说,首先要做的就是,通过多做练习来提高托福阅读做题方法的熟练度。对于做题方法都不太熟悉的同学来说,还是尽快的熟悉下托福阅读的题型,学习做题方法,进行练习,这样才能够达到最佳的效果。





Q6 According to paragraph 3, what was the significance of the land law passed in 1820?

A It granted government-supported loans to farmers.

B It provided farmland at an affordable price.

C It required banks to offer loans to farmers.

D It enabled farmers to sell their land for a profit.

大多数同学都能够通过1820这个年代找到原文中相关的描写部分:In 1820 under a new land law, a farm could be bought for 100. The continued proliferation of banks made it easier for those without cash to negotiate loans in paper money. (在18,通过了一个新的土地法案,一个农场用100美元就能够买下。)这句话的意思非常简单,但是为什么还是有这么多同学会选错呢? 原因就是因为他们所关注的是法案的内容,而不是题目中所问的法案的重要性。这就是我们所说的,大家自己在偷换概念。此时,需要大家再次看清审题。因此建议同学们应采纳的做题顺序为:读题目找关键词---读句子---再次读题---选出正确选项。这样做的好处是既让大家看清楚题目,又能快而准确的解题。有时候因为题目没有读仔细,我们会出现重复看文段的现象,这样就降低了做题速度。不重复地去读文段,是解决托福阅读做题速度慢的最佳方法。


Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation; a work of art that unfolds over a long time.


Famous art critic Robert Hughes wrote that “We have had a gutful of fast art and fast food. What we need more of is slow art: art that holds time as a vase holds water; art that grows out of modes of perception and whose skill and doggedness make you think and feel; art that isn’t merely sensational, that doesn’t get its message across in 10 seconds, that isn’t falsely iconic, that hooks onto something deep-running in our natures.”


A number of museums now offer “slow art” tours or days that encourage visitors to take their time. Rather than check master works off a list as if on a scavenger hunt, you can make a sprawling museum digestible and personal by seeking out only those works that dovetail with your interests.



From medical problems to travel plans, your Google searches can reveal a intimate snapshot of your life.


While it can be easy to forget these searches, if you were logged into a Google account, all these queries have been saved.


Now Google is offering users the option of downloading their entire search archive, as well as deleting part, or all, of the record.


The feature exports your searches to Google Drive in a ZIP archive, with files divided by year and quarter.


'You can download all of your saved search history to see a list of the terms you've searched for,' a Google support page says.


'This gives you access to your data when and where you want.'


To download your history visit history.google.com and log in with your Google account.


Then click onto a calendar view to take a look at what you searched for on any given date.


For those who want to keep a record of their Google searches, clicking the settings button on the top right corner can download the database.


Items in search can be deleted by checking the box next to them and clicking the 'remove items' option.


To delete your entire search history, click settings, remove items and pick a time frame, such 'from the beginning of time'.


Google stresses that only account holders can see their data.


The company has also warned user not download the search archive on a public computer to maintain privacy.


According to the unofficial Google Operating System Blog, the California-based began testing its download feature last year.


It follows similar moves by groups such as Facebook who have made it easier for users to access their archived content following privacy concerns.




top right corner:右上角





The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendousnumbers of people affect ed, as well as from thegreat difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

A Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects largeareas of land and great numbers of people.

B Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread overlarge areas of land.

C The spread of deserts is considered a very seriousproblem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countriesare involve d in the effort .

D Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless thepopulation is reduced in the vast areas affected.



1.找出句子的主谓宾,也就是谁做了什么,然后关注句子的逻辑关系。例题的主语是:seriousness of desertification,逻辑关系词是表示原因的:result from,所以我们可以优先看有表示原因的选项,他们中若有正确答案,那么剩下的选项就无需过问了。这样做不仅快,而且效率高。我们不难发现:A选项中有because;B选项中有because of;所以我们先看这两个选项。

2.我们还发现原因用as well as相连,说明是两个原因,一个是影响land和people,一个是reverse和slowthe process很难。A选项正确表达了句意,而B选项把原文中并列的两个原因变成了因果关系,很明显是错的。


1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might.


2.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.


3.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instruments capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliance.


4.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent.


5.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualifications for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces.



1、quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2、affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3、adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4、angel 天使 angle 角度

5、dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记

6、contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛

7、principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则

8、implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的

9、dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文

10、pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打

11、decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下

12、sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水

13、later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近

14、costume 服装 custom习惯

15、extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的

16、aural 耳的 oral 口头的

17、abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机、

18、altar 祭坛 alter 改变

19、assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

20、champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

21、baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

22、beam 梁, 光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

23、precede proceed 进行,继续

24、pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

25、chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

26、monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27、chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

28、cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

29、clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

30、compliment 赞美 complement 附加物

31、confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

32、contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

33、council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

34、crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

35、dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

36、drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水


enroll to one = combine

complement = supplement = add to

substitute = replace

so far = until present = up to now

rooted in = based on

make their way = travel

vulnerable--open to break-open to attack -- weak --susceptible

perishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoil

Seething 沸腾的 --- overflowing/excited/active

float = stay on the top

be consistent with = be compatible with

property 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为“特征,属性”)

simulated ---- artificial

sort --- type -- kind

staggering摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的(多数) =overwhelming

string线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =series

swell -- enlargement --- expand

tract- area - terrain

symmetric 对称的,均衡的 --- balance

taper 逐渐变小 --- diminish --- 收缩

tenet --- principle/belief

turn = change

vast - immense - extensive

with the ordinary citizen's pocketbook = affordable

advent = arrival

affair = matter

chronic --- constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的

consequence = result/importance

counter = oppose

countervail 补偿,抵消; 对抗 = compensate/oppose

distinction = differentiation/excellence/honor

distribution = dispersion = dispersal

embed = implant

euphoric = extremely happy

flake = fragment

hinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere with

ladings 船货= cargos shipment

mandatory = required, obligatory

mundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinary



这种题需要一定的把握长难句的能力,也需要一定的语法基础。如果考过GMAT的,做惯了Sentence Correction的同学应该觉得不太难。这种题还需要多练习,小编也从技巧的角度来作出一些解释。



用官方指南OG29页例题举例,把原句缩句:Since laws have determined form, forms can vary within certain limits. 其中B选项忽略掉了forms can vary…的意思;C,D选项后半句的意思跟原文相反;分别都犯了上述两种错误之一。所以选A。只要能准确把握原文的意思,难度不大。如果时间足够充足,我建议用GMAT的SC部分来锻炼把握长难句的能力,对阅读也有好处。不过大概需要1到2周的时间,不适合于时间紧张的考生。




Government officials believe aliens may visit Earth and suggest harnessing UFO technology for UK defences, files say.

Documents from the Ministry of Defence classified archives show staff believed aliens could visit for “military reconnaissance”, “scientific” research or “tourism”.

In a 1995 briefing now published by the National Archives, a desk officer said the purpose of reported alien craft sightings “needs to be established as a matter of priority”, adding there did not appear to be “hostile intent”.

The unnamed official said it was “essential that we start with open minds”, explaining “what is scientific ‘fact’ today may not be true tomorrow”.

Clarifying he did not “talk to little green men every night”, he said: “We have a remit that we have never satisfied. That is, we do not now (sic) if UFOs exist.

“If they do exist, we do not know what they are, their purpose or if they pose a threat to the UK.

“If the sightings are of devices not of the earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority. There has been no apparent hostile intent and other possibilities are: 1) Military reconnaissance; 2) Scientific; 3) Tourism.”

He added that “if reports are taken at face value” they showed extraterrestrial vehicles had “a very wide range of speeds and are stealthy”.

Thus, he suggested, “we could use this technology, if it exists”.

His briefing document lists possible reasons for UFO sightings, including mass hallucinations, US aircraft, “atmospheric events” and hoaxes, but indicated none provide a fully convincing explanation.

It adds there are “some indications that the reported incidents are only the tip of an iceberg and many people do not wish to risk embarrassment and so do not report sightings”.

He also noted that the number of reports of “strange objects in the skies” increased dramatically after the Second World War, with most sightings coming from “farmers, policemen, doctors and lovers”.














Countless arguments have been waged over the superiority of one beverage over the other. But what does the scientific evidence say?


George Orwell may have written that “tea is one of the mainstays of civilization in this country” – but even we British have to acknowledge that our national drink is facing stiff competition from the espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes invading our shores.


Despite the dangers of wading into such a charged argument, BBC Future decided to weigh up the relative merits of each drink. There’s no accounting for taste, of course, but we have combed the scientific literature for their real, measurable effects on our body and mind.


The wake-up call


For many, the caffeine kick is the primary reason we choose either beverage; it’s the oil to our engines when we’re still feeling a bit creaky in the morning. Based purely on its composition, coffee should win hands down: a cup of tea has about half the dose (40 milligrams) of the stimulant caffeine that you would find in a standard cup of brewed filter coffee (80 to 115 milligrams). Yet this doesn’t necessarily reflect the jolt of the wake-up call.


Dosing subjects with either tea or coffee, one study found that both beverages left subjects feeling similarly alert later in the morning.


Verdict: Against logic, tea seems to provide just as powerful a wake-up call as coffee. It’s a draw.


Sleep quality


The biggest differences between coffee and tea may emerge once your head hits the pillow.


Comparing people drinking the same volume of tea or coffee over a single day, researchers at the University of Surrey in the UK confirmed that although both drinks lend similar benefits to your attention during the day, coffee drinkers tend to find it harder to drop off at night – perhaps because the higher caffeine content finally catches up with you.


Tea drinkers, in contrast, had longer and more restful slumbers.


Verdict: Tea offers many of the benefits of coffee, without the sleepless nights – a clear win.


Tooth staining


Along with red wine, coffee and tea are both known to turn our pearly whites a murky yellow and brown. But which is worse?


Most dentists seem to agree that tea’s natural pigments are more likely to adhere to dental enamel than coffee’s – particularly if you use a mouthwash containing the common antiseptic chlorhexidine, which seems to attract and bind to the microscopic particles.


Verdict: If you want a perfect smile, coffee may be the lesser of two evils.


A balm for troubled souls…


In England, it’s common to give “tea and sympathy” to a distressed friend – the idea being that a cup of Earl Grey is medicine for troubled minds. In fact, there is some evidence that tea can soothe your nerves: regular tea drinkers do tend to show a calmer physiological response to unsettling situations (such as public speaking), compared to people drinking herbal infusions. Overall, people who drink three cups a day appear to have a 37% lower risk of depression than those who do not drink tea.


Coffee doesn’t have the same reputation; indeed, some report that it makes them feel like their nerves are jangling. Yet there is some evidence that it too may protect against long-term mental health problems. A recent “meta-analysis” (summarising the results of studies involving more than 300,000 participants) found that each cup of coffee a day seems to reduce your risk of developing depression by around 8%. In contrast, other beverages (such as sweetened soft drinks) only increase your risk of developing mental health problems.


Verdict: Based on this limited evidence, it’s a draw.


…and a balm for bodies……


Similarly tantalising, though preliminary, epidemiological studies have suggested that both coffee and tea offer many other health-giving benefits. A few cups of either beverage a day appears to reduce your risk of diabetes, for instance.


Both drinks also seem to moderately protect the heart, although the evidence seems to be slightly stronger for coffee, while tea also appears to be slightly protective against developing a range of cancers – perhaps because of its antioxidants.


Verdict: Another draw – both drinks are a surprising, health-giving elixir.


Overall verdict: Much as we Brits would have liked tea to come out the clear victor, we have to admit there is little between the two drinks besides personal taste. Based solely on the fact that it allows you to get a better night’s sleep, we declare tea the winner.



pigment: 色素

dental enamel: 牙釉质

antioxidant: 抗氧化剂

elixir: 万能药




高手都很擅长改写句子,也就是要换句话来表达同样的意思。也就是in other words,这个能力在sentence simplification题型里,淋漓尽致地体现了考官此意图,比如原文这么说:

One explanation for green icebergs attributes their color to an optical illusion when blue ice is illuminated by a near-horizon red Sun, but green icebergs stand out among white and blue icebergs under a great variety of light conditions.


One explanation attributes the color of green icebergs to an optical illusion under special light conditions, but green icebergs appear distinct from other icebergs under a great variety of light conditions.


前面部分句子是冰山颜色(their color/the color of green icebergs)在某些条件下(by a near-horizon red Sun/special light conditions)是视错觉(optical illusion/optical illusion)导致的。

后面部分句子是说绿冰山(green icebergs/green icebergs)在某些条件下( under a great variety of light conditions/under a great variety of light conditions)会出现在白色冰山和蓝色冰山之间(stand out among white and blue icebergs/appear distinct from other icebergs)。像这样把句子拆分开来,即是整句翻译有困难,也不会影响我们做题了。


Nearly any kind of plant of the forest understory can be part of a deer's diet. Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salad, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding. What keeps the black-tailed deer alive in the harsher seasons of plant decay and dormancy? One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.

It can be inferred from the discussion in paragraph 2 that winter conditions

A. Cause some deer to hibernate

B. Make food unavailable in the highlands for deer

C. Make it easier for deer to locate understory plants

D. Prevent deer from migrating during the winter

解题思路:这是一道推断题,那么根据题干中winter condition我们可以去原文中找到相关线索。然而这里并没有出现一模一样的定位词,所以我们需要找到表达相同概念的意群(同义替换),比如:late fall 深秋/初冬,snow雪。这些词都和winter condition传达了一样的概念。所以我们可以发现,答案应该就出现在最后两句话里:

Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.




ETS作为一个非营利性机构(Welcome To Facebook!),出一套托福试题的成本大概是80万美元,目前中国的报名费更是以每月50的幅度上涨。很多宝宝不理解,为何成本要这么高?钱都花在哪里了?





Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.

It can be inferred from the discussion in paragraph 2 that winter conditions

A. Cause some deer to hibernate

B. Make food unavailable in the highlands for deer

C. Make it easier for deer to locate understory plants

D. Prevent deer from migrating during the winter



1. 培养对英文语言的比较级的敏感度,如果你全身都不敏感,那么建议宝宝们每次看题之前先找找看选项有没有比较级,然后回原文确定。

2. 只要发现比较级,立刻确定三件事:





再次回到刚才那道题,我们仔细看C选项 :Make it easier for deer to locate understory plants。首先需要先找到主体:谁和谁在比较....... 我们会惊人的发现,原来文章里根本没有比较,所以C是完完全全的错误选项。可是如果选项改成Make it easy for deer to locate understory plants,那么这个选项就对了。


Throughout most of Earth's history, glaciers did not exist, but at the present time about 10 percent of Earth's land surface is covered by glaciers. Present-day glaciers are found in Antarctica, in Greenland, and at high elevations on all the continents except Australia. In the recent past, from about 2.4 million to about 10,000 years ago, nearly a third of Earth's land area was periodically covered by ice thousands of meters thick. In the much more distant past, other ice ages have occurred.

According to paragraph 5, in what way is the present time unusual in the history of Earth?

A. There are glaciers.

B. More land is covered by glaciers than at any time in the past.

C. There is no ice age.

D. No glaciers are found in Australia.


The most proud thing is to DIE in the glory of battle against TOEFL!








gain 大家都认识的,获得,有同学就觉得很奇怪了,选项没有一个翻译出来是“获得”的意思,想要去上下文推断,这其实是不对的,我们要思考的应该是什么叫“获得”,以及gain 这个词一般出现在怎样的语境里面。如果你看到过这样的语境,说:某人最近吃的特别多,然后gain weight了,我想这个词汇题就完全难不倒你了,因为你知道这里的获得重量就是增重的意思,是lose weight的反义词。那刚刚的词汇题就肯定毫不犹豫选increases了。养成阅读习惯的好处,就是加强词汇在语境中意思的记忆,带着语境认识的单词才是你真正认识,真正理解的单词,同时,读文章过程中反复遇到单词,就是一遍遍加深记忆的过程,词汇记忆的奥义就是重复,反复记忆,阅读提供了这样的机会。





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有了合适的阅读材料,我们就要选择适合自己的阅读方式了。现在的阅读渠道比较多,除了纸质书,还可以从网页上,手机App上和Kindle上进行阅读。我个人比较推荐的是纸质书和Kindle。网页和手机比较容易让人在阅读时分心,同时屏幕对眼睛也不是特别好,不推荐使用。如果实在客观条件只允许使用电脑网页的话,可以选择依旧在ReadingPro的平台上阅读,他的优势是界面比较友好,有大量免费的经典文学名著和分级读物可供大家在网页上进行阅读,平台还自带查词功能。我个人最喜欢的是Kindle, 电子油墨屏跟纸张感觉很像,看久了也不会累,而且现在Kindle格式的书本网上资源非常多,大家只要百度书名.mobi就可以搜到Kindle上可以阅读的书本了。

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