少儿英语圣经故事05:Story of Joesph约瑟的故事

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少儿英语圣经故事05:Story of Joesph约瑟的故事

【简介】感谢网友“toorko777”参与投稿,以下是小编帮大家整理的少儿英语圣经故事05:Story of Joesph约瑟的故事(共8篇),欢迎大家收藏分享。

篇1:少儿英语圣经故事05:Story of Joesph约瑟的故事

Where did we leave poor Joseph last week?Yes, in prison for a crime


He did not commit. And Joseph was busy serving in that prison. The Lord was blessing Joseph there, just as he was in the home of Potiphar.


One day Joseph met two new prisoners. They were the chief butler and chief baker of the king of Egypt. One morning Joseph noticed both the butler and the baker looking unusually gloomy. Then they explained to Joseph that each of them had dreamed very strange dreams the night before and the dreams were bothering them, because they could not understand what they meant. Joseph said, well, doesn't God know the meaning of your dreams?Tell me about your dreams. So the butler began to relate his dream to Joseph.


In my dream I saw a vine and the vine had 3 branches that made blossoms, and then grapes. I dreamed I had Pharaoh's cup in my hand so I took the grapes, pressed the juice into Pharaoh's cup and gave the cup to Pharaoh to drink.


Oh, said Joseph, Your dream means that in 3 days Pharaoh is going to call for you and give you your place as butler again! But, please, when you go back to the palace, remember me.


Well, I'm sure the butler promised Joseph he would do that very thing, if Joseph were right about the dream. The baker was encouraged as he heard the good meaning of the butler's dream so he was eager to tell Joseph his dream also.

我相信酒政肯定会向约瑟保证,如果他的梦解得对的话, 他会记得约瑟。膳长见梦解得这么好,就也很想把他的梦告诉约瑟。

I dreamed I had 3 white baskets stacked up on my head. In the top basket were all kinds of delicious pastries and breads for the king. But then there came some birds and they began to eat the bread out of that basket.


Oh, I'm sure Joseph's face looked very sad as he answered the baker. Your dream means that in 3 days Pharaoh will also call for you, but he is going to hang you on a tree, and the birds are going to eat your flesh.


You see, 3 days later it was Pharaoh's birthday and he made a feast for all his servants. During that time, he restored the butler to his job, and the baker he hanged on a tree.

到了第三天,是法老的生日,他为所有的臣仆设摆筵席,把酒政和膳长从监牢里提出来,使酒政官复原职, 但把膳长挂起来,正如约瑟向他们所说的话。

Now what was the butler supposed to do as soon as he got back to the palace to serve Pharaoh?That's right, he was supposed to speak of good word for good old Joseph! But can you believe he FORGOT all about Joseph?Joseph waited Day after day, month after month, and not even a thank-you note from the butler.


Two years went by. Joseph was still there in prison. Was the Lord STILL with him?Indeed He was! The Bible tells us that after two full years, the king of Egypt had a dream, and such a strange dream that it really bothered him the next morning. He called for his magicians and wise men. but oh, my, they studied and discussed the matter back and forth and scratched their heads. And they still could not tell Pharaoh the meaning of his strange dream.


Why couldn't they tell Pharaoh about that dream?Because God didn't tell THEM about the dream. You see, God knows not only all our dreams, but also our thoughts, our words, our deeds. He knows when we sin and do those things that do not please Him. The best thing we can know about God is His perfect Son Jesus, Who came to die for our sins and become our Savior from sin. We know Jesus rose from the dead and is in Heaven now, ready to save anyone who calls on Him. That's good news and God tells that good news to everyone. But there was something God was NOT telling. He was not telling what that strange dream meant.

他们为甚么不懂梦的意思呢?因为神没有告诉他们! 你知道吗?神不但知道我们所有的梦,他也知道我们每时每刻在想什么,说什么,做什么。当我们犯罪,或做不讨他喜悦的事的时候,他也知道。我们知道神赐给我们最好的就是他完美无瑕疵的儿子耶稣,他为我们的罪死,成为我们的救主。他又从死里复活,现在就在天上。他要拯救任何求告他名的人。这真是一个好消息,神把这个好消息告诉每一个人。但是有一些事情神却没有说。神在这里没有告诉人这么奇怪的梦是什么意思。

Suddenly the chief butler exclaimed, Oh, I do remember my faults this day!“ I'm sure the king looked at the butler with great surprise. But then the butler went on to explain.


Well, boys and girls, you may be sure the king of Egypt wasted no time sending someone to go get Joseph out of prison! Quickly Joseph cleaned up, shaved, changed his prison clothes and they hurried him straight to the king.


I have dreamed a dream and no one can tell me what it means. I have heard that YOU can understand dreams to tell the meaning of them, Pharaoh said to Joseph.


Now, Joseph could have answered proudly and brought all the attention to himself. But how wisely, how humbly he answered the king! No, I can't tell you the meaning of your dreams. he said. But then he added, But God will give you the answer. Joseph very wisely gave God the glory.


So Pharaoh began to tell his dream. In my dream I was standing on the bank of the Nile River. Suddenly out of the river came 7 fine, fat cows. They walked over to a field and began to eat grass. Then 7 other cows came up after them. They were the ugliest, skinniest cows ever. The 7 skinny cows went and ate up the 7 fat cows, but then, they were still as skinny as ever. Then I woke from that dream, and fell asleep again and had another dream. In the 2nd dream there was a cornstalk with 7 full and good ears of corn on it. But then there appeared 7 thin, withered ears of corn that ate up the 7 full ears. Oh, my, how strange! What can all this mean?Joseph was very thoughtful, for God was showing him everything about those dreams. Then very clearly and wisely Joseph spoke. The king, God is showing you through these dreams what He is about to do. You see, the 7 fat cows and the 7 full ears of corn stand for 7 years of great plenty. However, after that 7 years of plenty will come 7 years of such terrible famine that you will forget all about the 7 good years.

这样,约瑟很巧妙地把荣耀归给了神。法老对约瑟说,“我梦见我站在尼罗河边,有七只又肥壮又美好的母牛从河里上来,在芦荻中吃草。随后又有七只母牛上来,又软弱又丑陋又干瘦,我没有见过这样不好的。这七只瘦母牛吃了那以先的七只肥母牛,吃了以后却看不出是吃了,还是那样丑陋和干瘦,我就醒了。然后我又睡着了,又作了一个梦。我梦见一棵麦子,长了七个又饱满又佳美的穗子,随后又长了七个细弱的穗子,这些细弱的穗子吞吃了那七个饱满的穗子。多么奇怪的梦! 这是什么意思呢?”

Joseph went on to explain to Pharaoh, because the dream came twice means that God has established that this will happen and it will happen soon. What you should do is find a man who is discreet and wise and set him over the project of gathering food during the 7 good years. And put it in storage, so that when the 7 years of famine come, there will be food for your people.


Pharaoh and all his servants recognized the truth and wisdom of Joseph's counsel. And he said, I am now placing you in charge of my household and of all the people of Egypt. Only I myself will be higher than you in my government.”Before Joseph could realize all that was happening, he was dressed in kingly robes, with a gold chain about his neck and the king's own ring on his finger. The king gave him a lovely young lady to marry, and Joseph set right to work on the project of organizing and gathering food during the 7 good years. God working out all his trouble like this!


篇2:少儿英语圣经故事06:Story Joseph约瑟的故事

“Your master's cup?We haven't stolen your master's cup! You can search every sack and see for yourself!” Do you remember what Joseph's steward found when he searched those sacks?Yes, that's right, the silver cup was found in Benjamin's sack! With great anguish and fear all the brothers got on their donkeys and turned back toward Egypt. Bowing down before the accusing eyes of this harsh Egyptian ruler, they feared for their very lives. But you and I know this Egyptian ruler was Joseph, and he is putting his brothers through one last test. Had their hearts changed since the time they had treated Joseph with such cruelty?

“你主人的杯子?我们可没有偷你主人的杯子!你可以搜我们的口袋,自己看!” 你还记得约瑟的管家搜查出什么了吗?对了,那杯子竟然在便雅悯的口袋里被搜出来。约瑟的弟兄们又气又怕,骑上他们的驴,回到埃及。他们在这个严厉的埃及长官面前俯伏于地,为他们的命运担忧。但是我们知道这个埃及长官就是约瑟,他正在最后一次考验他的哥哥们。自从他们上一次无情地对待约瑟,他们的心有没有改变呢?

Joseph did not wonder for long. As he saw his brothers pleading with tears for their brother Benjamin, he realized they were different. In Genesis 45:l we read:Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. Joseph said, “I am Joseph! Is my father really still alive?” But the brothers could not answer him, because they were so shocked with surprise and fear. Joseph called to them, “Come near to me, please. I am really Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But do not be grieved or angry with yourselves that you sold me as a slave. God sent me before you to save your life.


Don't you think it is strange that Joseph was telling his brothers not to be grieved or angry with themselves for what they had done to him?Really and truly, Joseph was the one who should be very grieved and angry! After all, it was Joseph who had been treated so badly. But Joseph had forgiven his brothers. So, he didn’t have any anger.


Joseph tried to explain to his brothers that he had been able to see God work all these evil things out for good. If Joseph hadn't gone to Egypt, then he would not have been there to tell Pharaoh the dream and warn him of the famine. There would have been no food stored up in Egypt, and everyone would have died, including Joseph and all hisbrothers. “God sent me before you to save life.” Joseph told them several times.


Oh, you can be sure there was lots of crying and hugging when the brothers finally got over their shock and realized this was indeed their brother Joseph! Then Joseph began to tell them he wanted them to go home and bring their father, and all their families and belongings and move to Egypt. The famine was going to be bad for another five years and Joseph wanted to be able to care for all of them. Joseph gave them money, wagons, new clothes, plenty of food for the journey. How kind and generous Joseph was to all of them! He loved them so much, it seems he wanted to show them every way he possibly could!


How much like our wonderful God Who loves us! He not only made us, and all things, but He shows in so many ways how much He loves us! What wonderful provision He has made for us...food, clothes, parents, His protection. But most wonderful of all is that He is willing to forgive us our sins and allow us to come and live with Him in Heaven some day. Did you think that everyone goes to heaven when they die?


Well, God wants everyone to be in Heaven, but the truth is that there will be many, many people who will miss Heaven. Those who RECEIVE the Lord Jesus, God's Son, into their lives will have their sins forgiven and go to Heaven someday.


Those who REJECT the Lord Jesus will not have their sins forgiven, so they cannot ever go to Heaven. I Cor. l5:3 &4 tells us about it:...how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Can you think of a greater way for God to show His love for us than to send His dear Son to die for our sins?Joseph was showing his love for his family every way He possibly could!


You can imagine what happened when the brothers returned to Canaan and tried to convince old Jacob that his son Joseph was not only very much alive, but the 2nd in command in Egypt! It took some time for old Jacob to believe this incredulous story, but finally he himself began to pack up to go with the family to Egypt! Genesis 45:28 says, And Israel (or Jacob) said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive:I will go and see him before I die. What a wonderful reunion Jacob had with his favorite son!


Joseph had the joy of showing his dear old father all his wealth and position. And Joseph made sure his father and brothers and all their families settled in the best of the land, Goshen. There, Joseph cared for every need of the family. Old father Jacob was able to enjoy his long-lost son for l7 years, and then he went to be with the Lord in Heaven. Oh, and then those brothers started having a guilty conscience all over again! In Genesis 50:l5 we read, And when Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will....hate us, They thought Joseph was only being kind to them because his father was watching. What do you think?


The brothers all got together and went before Joseph and fell down before him and said, “We are your servants.” But Joseph had not changed. He meant it when he forgave them. He said to this brothers, “Don't be afraid of me:am I in the place of God to punish you?You thought evil against me, but God turned it into good, to save many people's lives.” The Bible tells us Joseph spoke kindly to them and continued to care for them.


Our dear Joseph lived to be ll0 years old and was greatly respected not only by his family, but by all of Egypt. Well, we must say goodbye to Joseph here, but if you know the Lord Jesus, just think! Joseph will be one of the members of the family of God we will meet in heaven!


Because not only did Joseph forgive his brothers, but God forgave Joseph of all his sin. How about you, if you know the Lord Jesus, will you this week do some “spring cleaning” in your heart?Look to see if there is any boy, or girl, relative, teacher, parent that you are not forgiving. Matthew 6:l4, For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:l4. God has forgiven you of your sins, and He wants you to forgive others of their sins against you.


If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus as your Saviour from sin, how much He loves you and wants to be your Saviour! Like Joseph was mistreated and hated at first, so the Lord Jesus was hated and beaten and nailed to a cross to die. But as with Joseph's life, God turned it to good to save the lives of many people.


Now He is in heaven and just as Joseph wanted to forgive, and love and care for his family, so the Lord Jesus longs to forgive your sin and make you His child. What wonderful love and care we have as His children! The Bible says in Galatians 3:26 Ye are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Faith means believing. What must you believe?


Believe that you are a sinner, separated from God. Believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He died willingly to take your punishment for sin. After His death on the cross, He was buried and rose the 3rd day. Believe that when you ask Him, He comes in to forgive your sin and make you His child forever!


篇3:少儿英语圣经故事03:Story of Joseph约瑟的故事

“Here's a strong young man who'll make a hardworking slave for someone! Who will give me a good price for him?”


“I'll take him!” said an important looking man in the crowd.


With that, Potiphar, an important officer for the King of Egypt, paid for Joseph and led him away. Joseph, the favorite son of his old father, sold by his brothers, was now in a land of strangers facing a life of misery and slavery. Would he feel sorry for himself and complain?Do you suppose he refuse to obey?


NO! Joseph did his work just as diligently as if he were doing it for his own father. He worked hard and the Bible says that the Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in all that he did!


And you can believe Joseph's master noticed that! Potiphar could not help but appreciate the cheerful attitude of this Hebrew boy, his humble and quiet way, his serious attention to his work.


Soon, Joseph began to be promoted, then again, and again, until Potiphar finally turned over everything he had to Joseph's keeping. Potiphar saw God's hand on Joseph's life, because everything he gave Joseph to do brought a profit to Potiphar!


But someone else was taking close notice of Joseph too. Joseph was now about 27 years old, and the Bible describe him as a handsome man. Potiphar's wife had an evil heart, and she began to try to get Joseph to notice her. She said things to him to try to get Joseph to sin against God.


Really, boys and girls, all sin is against God. Sin is breaking God's laws. We sin by wanting what belongs to others.

小朋友们,真的是这样。所有的罪都是得罪神的。 罪就是违反了神的律法。

When we try to get others to do wrong, that is sin. Disobeying our parents is sin. Romans 3:l0 says “There is none righteous, no, not one.” The truth is we were all born with sin. For those of who continue in that sin and do not believe in the Lord Jesus, there is an everlasting punishment for that sin. Do you know what that punishment will be?


Well it's said that we can never be in Heaven with God. How do you think God feels about that?You can be sure that is not what He wants for anyone!

就是我们永远不能在天上和神在一起。你能想像神的心里是什么滋味吗? 你知道那不是神所愿意给每一个人的。

The Bible tells us that our l00% perfect God not only created this world and everyone in it, but He richly loves each person in it! God says it is not His will that any should perish, or be punished forever for their sin.


So God made a wonderful plan that our sins could be forgiven and we could be SED from that dreadful punishment.


God's plan was to send His perfect and darling Son the Lord Jesus Christ to take our punishment for us. Jesus left His splendid home in Heaven, to willingly come to this sin filled earth, willingly let wicked men nail His hands and feet to a cross, and willingly give His blood to pay for our sin. Can you understand that kind of unselfish love?


No, but we can enjoy the wonderful blessing of it! For after Jesus died, in 3 days He came alive again. He's in Heaven now and God says in Romans l0:l3, “For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” By believing in Jesus the Lord, we can enjoy the wonderful blessing of being free from that punishment of sin.


Remember, all sin is against God. What Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph to do would truly be a sin against God. She wanted him to be with her as only her husband should be with her. And she told Joseph so. She was probably a very pretty woman, and perhaps Joseph was very tempted to do this wrong thing.


After all, he was no doubt lonely. When everyone celebrated holidays and birthdays with their family, Joseph had no one. And he was at an age when he would like to have a wife like other men. But Joseph knew he could not give in to temptation. He belonged to God! It was a hard decision, but Joseph said, “No! ”


II Timothy 2:22 tell us to run from evil desires. Ask God for strength to SAY NO to temptation, even though it may be hard! No doubt it was hard for Joseph, but he said NO to Potiphar's wife. The Bible says in Genesis 39:8-9 that Joseph said, “Listen, my master trusts me so much he has committed all that he has to my hand, he doesn't even keep up with what I am doing.


There is no one greater in this house than I am, and the only thing my master has kept from me is you because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?”


But boys and girls, this was an evil woman and she did not give up. If only Satan would just tempt us once and when we said the first NO, he would run away and give up.


But our enemy is not like that, and he was working day after day through this beautiful but evil woman to ruin Joseph. Joseph refused to listen to her, and no doubt tried to avoid her as much as possible.


But one day Joseph had some work to do in Potiphar's house. None of the men of the house were there, only Potiphar's wife. Boys and girls, you can be sure she was ready to tempt Joseph.


She took hold of Joseph's coat and begged him to be with her. Joseph did the right thing! He slipped right out of that coat and left it in her hands as he RAN out of that house! Sometimes the only way to get away from temptation is to RUN! Remember, if you are God's child, you can ask God for strength to SAY NO to temptation, and that may mean to use your legs to RUN!


Joseph didn't just stand back, he ran completely out of the house! And there stood a very foolish looking Potiphar's wife, holding a man's coat! But oh, was she furious! Joseph had hurt her pride and she was angry. She decided to get even with him. She called some of the other servants and told them a big lie about Joseph.


The Bible doesn't say if they believed her or not, but anyway.... when Master Potiphar got home, she really had a big lie ready. “That Hebrew servant you brought in here came today and tried to attack me.But I screamed and he got so scared, he ran out and left his coat behind.”


God's Word says in Genesis 39:l9 and 20, “And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, that his anger was stirred up, and Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound.”


Boys and girls, slaves had neither right nor chance to defend themselves. So Joseph, though he was honorable and innocent, found himself in a dark, dirty dungeon, perhaps bound with chains about his feet and neck.


What a reward for doing the right thing! Perhaps he might have felt that way. But to end this lesson, we must read Genesis 39:2l:“But the LORD was with Joseph.” What will happen to him?You will have to wait till next time to find out, but we do know the LORD was taking care of Joseph.


篇4:少儿英语圣经故事02:Story of Joseph约瑟的故事

“Here comes that dreamer again! He is beginning to tell father another dream that he's had. Come on, let's go hear what it's all about,” one of Joseph's ten brothers might have said. They crowded around to hear yet another dream their younger brother Joseph had dreamed. Let's listen in to see what Joseph is telling his father:“Father! Reuben! Judah! Listen to my dream that I had. I have dreamed another dream and the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”


Oh, this time even Joseph's father was upset. His father rebuked him, the Bible says, and said to him, “What is this dream you have dreamed?Do you really think that I and your mother and your brothers will indeed come to bow down ourselves to you?” Oh, you can imagine how very, very jealous Joseph's brothers were.


The Bible tells us that one day the brothers were out feeding the flock in a town called Shechem. Old Jacob called his son Joseph to him. Joseph was about l7 at the time. And he said to him, “Go, please, see whether it be well with your brothers, and with the flocks and bring me word again.” So he sent Joseph out of Hebron, and Joseph started toward Shechem. As he came up his brothers saw him coming a long way off, and they said to each other, “Here comes that dreamer again!”


But this time they were not going to listen to a dream. They were not going to even listen to him at all. They made a plan to kill him. “We will see what will become of his dreams. He thinks he is going to rule over us. He will never rule over us.” That's what they were saying in their hearts. They hated Joseph without a cause.


That reminds me of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says He came unto His own people and they would not receive Him. They said, “You will never rule over us. We don't need You as a Savior. We do not believe that You are the Son of God.” They took the Lord Jesus, beat Him, spit on Him, cursed Him, and they nailed Him to a cross. How did the Lord Jesus respond to His enemies, those who hated Him, cursed Him and nailed Him to a cross?He loved them!


Joseph's brothers were hating him without a cause and they were planning to kill him. And the Bible says when he got there, they stripped his coat off and they threw him into a pit. But do you know those brothers were so hardened that even though Joseph was crying out, begging for mercy and help, they sat down very near that pit and calmly ate their lunch.


As they ate their lunch, some of them looked up and they saw something coming. It was a caravan of camels and traders from Midian. “Aha! We could sell our brothers as a slave, and not only could we get rid of him forever, but we could make some money off him!” The brothers thought that was a fine plan, so they stopped that Midianite merchants caravan. They sold their brother! And I am sure that Joseph went away weeping, and looking back at his brothers with a look that said, “How could you do this?Why have you hated me without a cause?” The brothers, still very hardhearted, were only thinking how they were going to deceive their father.


They hit upon a plan.“Let's take that coat, the one they so despised, and let's dip it in the blood of a goat.” So they went to their father, and said, “We found this. You are the one who would know if this is your son's coat or not.” And of course Jacob knew that coat very well, and he said, “Oh, it is my son's coat. Joseph is no doubt torn into many pieces. An evil beast has devoured him!” The Bible says Jacob cried for his son many days.


Well, boys and girls, we know that God was going to be with Joseph, don't we?God was giving him strength to be longsuffering while those brothers were at home with him. God was with Joseph in that pit. God is continuing to give Joseph the strength to love his enemies and to do good to those that hate him.


篇5:少儿英语圣经故事01:Story of Joseph约瑟的故事

“Teacher's pet! Teacher's pet!” When I was a little girl, that is what the class would call the boy or girl that seemed to be the teacher's favorite.


In our Bible lesson today, Joseph was the favorite of 12 sons. The Bible says that his old father Jacob loved Joseph best because he was the son of his old age.


Perhaps there are other reasons as well. We do know that Joseph was a very wise and obedient son even at just 17 years of age. And according to Genesis chapter 27, not all Jacob's sons were that way.


As far as we know, all Jacob's sons were shepherds. That means they watched over their father's many herds of animal. Joseph was sent by his father one day to check on 4 of his brothers. They were out in the field with the herds.


The Bible said that Joseph had to bring back an honest report of his brothers. But oh, oh, Joseph brought back to his father their evil report.


That means they were doing very bad things. What it was we don't know for there are many ways to sin. Disobeying their parents or pouting, perhaps mistreating the animals, or talking mean to each other or saying dirty things.


Oh, there are many ways to sin, but there is one everlasting punishment. The punishment for sin is that we were separated from God forever.


You know, you may look at someone else and say:“At least I don't do what they do!” But remember, God see us all as sinners.


And He saw what Jacob's sons were doing even though we don't know what it was. When Joseph brought the report back to his father, his father knew it was true for Joseph was honest.


He was a son who loved to obey and please his father, a son that could be trusted. How Jacob loved that boy, so much so that he made a special coat with many color just for Joseph. It was a coat like a king's son would wear.


You know it was probably easy for Jacob to love Joseph because Joseph was a wise and obedient son, and the son of his old age.


God loves you and me even when he sees us filthy in our sin. Isn't that sin like filthy cloth?God loves you so much, that He sent someone to change clothes with us, well sort of.


You see, when Jesus Christ died on the cross almost years ago, He took your sin and my sin that was like a filthy garment of sin upon Him, so that we can have His pure, clean righteousness that was also like a garment, or coat.


Oh how much God loved us, to do that for us, much more than Jacob could have ever loved his son Joseph.


Of course he loved him, and everybody knew it including 10 of Joseph's bothers. Now Benjamin was the baby brother, so he didn't know much about this. But those 10 older brothers saw that new coat Joseph had, and they were very upset.


And when his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than them, they hated him. They could not speak peaceably to him. They were thinking, not only was Joseph a little tattle tail, but he was daddy's favorite that he could get something special they couldn't get. Oh my, their hearts were so full of jealousy.


The Bible says that one night, Joseph had a dream. It was a strange dream, and when he woke up the next morning he wanted to tell someone about it.


Now, if it were you and me, would we want to tell those brothers?No, we would be so upset with them, who would want to talk to them?Do you know Joseph had such a forgiving spirit, that is exactly where he went.


And this is what he said to them. “Listen, please, I want you to hear what I dreamed. We were in the fields, and we were bundling wheat when all of a sudden, my bundle of grain stood up, and your bundle stood up too. And all of a sudden , your bundles of grain bowed to my bundle of grain.”


Ohhh, how do you think his brothers felt?They spoke to him:“Are you trying to tell us that you are going to rule over us?Do you think you are going to have dominion over us?”


The Bible says “And they hated him yet the more, for his dreams and for his words.” What is this jealousy going to cause Joseph's brothers to do?You can be sure it is a very shocking story next week. So don’t miss it.

圣经说因为他的梦和他所说的话,他们就更恨他了。约瑟的哥哥们会因为忌妒他会去做什么呢?你可以相信有非常令人吃惊的故事,在下个星期等着我们。千万不要错过 哦!



A long time ago, there was a Bo Luo Nai City in the State of Jia Shi. Outside the city was a large forest, where 500 macaques lived.

One night the 500 macaques wandered around and came to a ni ju lu (bodhi) tree. Under the tree was a deep ancient well. The water in the well was very clean and reflected the full moon in the sky.

The leading macaque bent1 over the well and watched carefully for a while. Then it jumped onto the edge of the well and said to the others: “Alas2! Today the moon has died and fallen into this well. Let us scoop3 it up together; otherwise the nights will be dark forever.”

All the macaques tweaked their ears and scratched their cheeks, saying:“The well is so deep. How can we scoop up the moon?”

The leading macaque had a sudden brainwave and said: “I have it! I will climb up the tree and grasp a branch, then another one grasps my tail. In this way, one following another in succession4, can't we hang down into the well?”

When the other macaques heard this, they jumped with joy. So they linked their heads and tails together, extending5 longer and longer until they almost touched the surface of the well water. At this moment, the branch broke with a big crack and all 500 macaques fell into the ancient well.








The deer feared the leopard1 cat, the leopard cat feared the tiger, and the tiger the brown bear.

The brown bear resembled the fox but was bigger in size. It had long fur on its head, and could stand up like man. It had great strength and would devour2 man.

In the south of the State of Chu, there was a hunter good at ventriloquy. With a bamboo pipe he could imitate the cries of various kinds of wild animals.

Once, carrying his bow, arrows and firearms, he quietly went hunting in the mountain.

Up on the mountain, he first imitated the cries of the deer to lure3 the horde4 of deer to come over, so that he could shoot at them with the firearms. The leopard cat heard the cries of the deer and came running to devour the deer. The hunter was afraid of the leopard cat, so he hurriedly imitated the roar of the tiger to scare away the leopard cat. Hardly had the leopard cat been scared away when the tiger heard the roar and came. At this moment, the hunter was even more frightened, so he imitated the cries of the brown bear. As a result, the tiger was scared away like the leopard cat.

Then, when the brown bear heard the cries, it came to look for its companions. Seeing that it was a man, the brown bear at once struck him with its front paws, and tore him up with its teeth. In a short while, the hunter was torn to pieces and devoured5 by the brown bear.







The dancing bear 会跳舞的熊

A bear, who had made his living by dancing for a long time, at length escaped from his master, and returned to his former companions in the woods.

His brothers welcomed him with most friendly growls1. The traveler now told what he had seen foreign countries, told a long history of his adventures, and, to exhibit his wonderful feats2, began, in an erect3 position, to dance the Polonaise. His brothers, who were watching the performance, were astonished at his grace, and tried to imitate his ballet steps. It was in vain, hardly were they raised on two legs when they fell again upon all fours. Seeing their awkwardness, the bear went on exhibiting some higher displays of his art, which, at length, aroused the envy of the others, and so they drove him from their society.




One day, the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort: “Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head?”

The figure of Chinese mugwort, unwilling1 to be outdone, looked down and retorted: “It is summer now. You have only half a year to go, and can't live long. Why squabble over who is higher or who is lower?”

The peachwood charm was beside itself with rage, and answered back sarcastically2. Both sides refused to give in, and squabbled endlessly with a stream of abuse against each other.

At this moment, the deity3 of the door came to mediate4: “It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others. What's the point of quarrelling with each other?”






In the past, there was a man named Ai Zi who was fond of sailing on the sea.

One night, Ai Zi had his boat moored1 near a small island Around midnight, he seemed to hear someone weeping or talking under the water. So he listened intently, and soon he heard someone say: “Yesterday the Dragon King issued an order that all living creatures with tails in water are to be beheaded. I am an alligator2 and have a tail. I am very frightened of being slaughtered3, so I am crying. You are a toad4 and don't have a tail. What are you weeping for?”

After a while, Ai Zi seemed to hear someone answer: “Though I have no tail now, I am afraid that I may be traced back to the time when I was a tadpole5 with a tail then, so I am weeping.”






There was a sturdy ram1 with a pair of thick horns upright on its head.

It strutted2 about proudly and saw a fence built with bamboo and wood in front, which blocked its way. It cast a sidelong glance at the fence, lowered its neck and lunged at the fence, hoping to knock it down. The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.

If it had not injured its horns, the ram would have persisted obstinately3 in butting4 against the fence, even against the spokes5 of a wheel until it bled with a fractured skull6.

As a result, with its horns caught in the fence, the ram could neither advance nor retreat but bleat7 helplessly.






In the vast East China Sea, there was a huge turtle. It carried the Penglai Fairy Mountain on its head, floated and swam in the great sea, sometimes soaring into the sky and sometimes diving to the bottom of the sea.

A red ant on land heard of the huge turtle's magnificent feat1 and was pleasantly surprised. Thereupon, it called together a big swarm2 of ants to come to the seashore to have a good look to broaden their minds. They waited for over a month, but the huge turtle did not appear on the sea. When they were about to return, the sea wind suddenly sprang up and great waves surged up, shaking the land like thunder. The swarm of ants exclaimed: “Ah, now the huge turtle is about to come out.”

A few days afterwards, the wind abated3, the waves calmed down, and the sea was tranquil4 again. A mountain as high as the sky could be faintly seen rising from the surface of the water and sometimes moving westward5. The swarm of ants stretched their heads to watch it for a while, and then expressed their opinions: “Why, what's the difference between its carrying a high mountain on its head and our carrying grains of rice on ours? We crawl along the ants' hill leisurely6 and freely, and return to our hole to rest. That is: Each has a role to play. Why should we waste our energy and cover several hundred li to watch it?”





One day, an owl1 flew persistently2 towards the east till it was completely exhausted3, so it stopped in a forest to take a rest. It happened that a turtledove was also resting there. Hearing the panting of the owl, it asked: “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

The owl said: “I am moving to the east.”

The turtledove asked closely: “Why?”

The owl said: “The people in the west all say my cry is unpleasant and dislike me I cannot stay there any longer. I must move to a new place.”

The turtledove said: “Can you solve your problem by changing a place? In my opinion, no matter where you move to, it won't help.”

The owl felt rather angry at the words of the turtledove, but it still asked in surprise: “Can you forecast the future?”

The turtledove said: “This is very simple. If you don't change your cry, the people in the east will dislike you all the same.”









A frog lived in a shallow well.

One day, it met beside the well a large soft-shelled turtle which had just crawled up from the sea.

The frog bragged1 to the turtle: “Look, how happy I am to live here! When I feel glad, I would bounce for a while near the well; and when I am tired, I would return to the well to sleep and rest for a while by the brick hole. Sometimes, I would quietly soak my whole body in the water, showing only my head and mouth. Sometimes, I would stroll in the soft mud, which is very comfortable. None of those tiny crabs2 and tadpoles3 can compare with me. I am the master of this well, free and unrestrained. Why don't you come often to play in the well?”

Hearing this, the turtle was itching4 to go down to take a look. But before he put his left foot into the well, his right foot stumbled. He quickly retreated two steps and told the frog about the sea: “Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is very, very wide, over 1,000 1i. The sea is very, very deep, over 1,000 zhang (3'/3 metres). In ancient times, in nine years out of ten there were floods, but the water in the sea did not rise much. Later, in seven years out of eight there were droughts, but the water in the sea did not drop much. Neither big floods nor big droughts can affect the sea. Only living in the sea can you feel real happiness!”

Amazed at what the big turtle had said, the frog was dumbstruck.







As the legend goes, during ancient times, in the expansive open country of North China, there was a kind of birds called “rocs”.

The roc was very huge, with its back like a big mountain, and its wings like a stretch of cloud which could cover the sky. When it spread its wings, it could break through a storm and soar at a height of 90,000 li (1/2 kilometre) in the sky towards the sea in the south.

A small bird called the quail1 bounced on the ground, free and happy. It looked up at the roc soaring in the sky and couldn't help laughing: “Hey, see how cocky you are! Look at me, one jump can take me over 10 chi. How delightful2! Every day I come and go amid these weeds and thickets3 and fly freely. Don't I fly quite well too? But, where can you fly to anyway?”







In a forest close to the river bank mere1 lived a crane with his wife. They were very unhappy. Every time the wife laid eggs in their nest, a big black cobra who lived in a hollow in the tree, would eat them up. The crane had a friend the crab2. He went to his friend the crab and shared his misery3. “I feel so hopeless….That sneaking4 thief has eaten our eggs again,” complained the crane angrily.

“Don’t worry,“ said the crab comfortingly. “You need not be hopeless when you have a friend like me. We will come up with a solution.”

The crab sat to think of a plan. Suddenly he jumped up and rushed to the crane.

“Friend, I have a wonderful plan,“ said the crab and whispered something into the crane’s car.

The crane flew back to his nest and told his wife all about the crab’s plan. He was very excited.

“Are you sure this will work?” asked the wife.

“I hope we are not making a mistake. Think twice before going ahead with the plan.“

But the crane was eager to try out the plan. The crane flew down to the river bank and began to fish. He caught several little fishes and went down to the hole in which a mongoose lived. He dropped a fish at the mouth of the hole. Then he took another fish and dropped it a little further away from the first one. Repeating this, he made a trail of fishes leading to the tree where his nest was.

The mongoose smelt5 the fish and came out of the hole. “Ah, a fish!” exclaimed the mongoose joyfully6 and quickly ate it up. He then followed the trail of fishes. As he neared the tree where the cranes and the snake lived, the trail ended. Finding no more fishes, he looked around.

Suddenly he came across the black cobra at the foot of the tree. Seeing the mongoose, the cobra fought for his life. Both fought for a long time and in the end the mongoose killed the snake. The cranes who were watching the fight from their nest sighed with relief.

The next day the mongoose began to follow the same trail hoping to find more food. When he came to the tree where the trail ended, he decided7 to climb the tree in search of food.

The cranes who were away at the river bank returned to find the mongoose climbing down the tree. On looking in their nest, they discovered that this time, the mongoose had eaten up all their eggs.

“Alas! We got rid of one enemy only to find another,“ said the crane to his wife.

A Child's Dream of a Star

There was once a child, and he strolled about a good deal, and thought of a number of things. He had a sister, who was a child too, and his constant companion. These two used to wonder all day long. They wondered at the beauty of the flowers; they wondered at the height and blueness of the sky; they wondered at the depth of the bright water; they wondered at the goodness and the power of God who made the lovely world.

They used to say to one another, sometimes, supposing all the children upon earth were to die, would the flowers, and the water, and the sky be sorry? They believed they would be sorry. For, said they, the buds are the children of the flowers, and the little playful streams that gambol1 down the hill-sides are the children of the water; and the smallest bright specks2 playing at hide and seek in the sky all night, must surely be the children of the stars; and they would all be grieved to see their playmates, the children of men, no more.

There was one clear shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest, near the church spire3, above the graves. It was larger and more beautiful, they thought, than all the others, and every night they watched for it, standing4 hand in hand at a window. Whoever saw it first cried out, ”I see the star!“ And often they cried out both together, knowing so well when it would rise, and where. So they grew to be such friends with it, that, before lying down in their beds, they always looked out once again, to bid it good-night; and when they were turning round to sleep, they used to say, ”God bless the star!“

But while she was still very young, oh very, very young, the sister drooped5, and came to be so weak that she could no longer stand in the window at night; and then the child looked sadly out by himself, and when he saw the star, turned round and said to the patient pale face on the bed, ”I see the star!“ and then a smile would come upon the face, and a little weak voice used to say, ”God bless my brother and the star!“

And so the time came all too soon! when the child looked out alone, and when there was no face on the bed; and when there was a little grave among the graves, not there before; and when the star made long rays down toward him, as he saw it through his tears.

Now, these rays were so bright, and they seemed to make such a shining way from earth to Heaven, that when the child went to his solitary6 bed, he dreamed about the star; and dreamed that, lying where he was, he saw a train of people taken up that sparkling road by angels. And the star, opening, showed him a great world of light, where many more such angels waited to receive them.

All these angels, who were waiting, turned their beaming eyes upon the people who were carried up into the star; and some came out from the long rows in which they stood, and fell upon the people's necks, and kissed them tenderly, and went away with them down avenues of light, and were so happy in their company, that lying in his bed he wept for joy.

But, there were many angels who did not go with them, and among them one he knew. The patient face that once had lain upon the bed was glorified7 and radiant, but his heart found out his sister among all the host.

His sister's angel lingered near the entrance of the star, and said to the leader among those who had brought the people thither8:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said ”No.“

She was turning hopefully away, when the child stretched out his arms, and cried, ”O, sister, I am here! Take me!“ and then she turned her beaming eyes upon him, and it was night; and the star was shining into the room, making long rays down towards him as he saw it through his tears.

From that hour forth9, the child looked out upon the star as on the home he was to go to, when his time should come; and he thought that he did not belong to the earth alone, but to the star too, because of his sister's angel gone before.

There was a baby born to be a brother to the child; and while he was so little that he never yet had spoken word he stretched his tiny form out on his bed, and died.

Again the child dreamed of the open star, and of the company of angels, and the train of people, and the rows of angels with their beaming eyes all turned upon those people's faces.

Said his sister's angel to the leader:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said ”Not that one, but another.“

As the child beheld10 his brother's angel in her arms, he cried, ”O, sister, I am here! Take me!“ And she turned and smiled upon him, and the star was shining.

He grew to be a young man, and was busy at his books when an old servant came to him and said:

”Thy mother is no more. I bring her blessing11 on her darling son!“

Again at night he saw the star, and all that former company. Said his sister's angel to the leader:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said, ”Thy mother!“

A mighty12 cry of joy went forth through all the star, because the mother was reunited to her two children. And he stretched out his arms and cried, ”O, mother, sister, and brother, I am here! Take me!“ And they answered him, ”Not yet,“ and the star was shining.

He grew to be a man, whose hair was turning gray, and he was sitting in his chair by the fireside, heavy with grief, and with his face bedewed with tears, when the star opened once again.

Said his sister's angel to the leader: ”Is my brother come?“

And he said, ”Nay13, but his maiden14 daughter.“

And the man who had been the child saw his daughter, newly lost to him, a celestial15 creature among those three, and he said, ”My daughter's head is on my sister's bosom16, and her arm is around my mother's neck, and at her feet there is the baby of old time, and I can bear the parting from her, God be praised!“

And the star was shining.

Thus the child came to be an old man, and his once smooth face was wrinkled, and his steps were slow and feeble, and his back was bent17. And one night as he lay upon his bed, his children standing round, he cried, as he had cried so long ago:

”I see the star!“

They whispered one to another, ”He is dying.“

And he said, ”I am. My age is falling from me like a garment, and I move towards the star as a child. And O, my Father, now I thank Thee that it has so often opened, to receive those dear ones who await me!“

And the star was shining, and it shines upon his grave.

There was once a child, and he strolled about a good deal, and thought of a number of things. He had a sister, who was a child too, and his constant companion. These two used to wonder all day long. They wondered at the beauty of the flowers; they wondered at the height and blueness of the sky; they wondered at the depth of the bright water; they wondered at the goodness and the power of God who made the lovely world.

They used to say to one another, sometimes, supposing all the children upon earth were to die, would the flowers, and the water, and the sky be sorry? They believed they would be sorry. For, said they, the buds are the children of the flowers, and the little playful streams that gambol1 down the hill-sides are the children of the water; and the smallest bright specks2 playing at hide and seek in the sky all night, must surely be the children of the stars; and they would all be grieved to see their playmates, the children of men, no more.

There was one clear shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest, near the church spire3, above the graves. It was larger and more beautiful, they thought, than all the others, and every night they watched for it, standing4 hand in hand at a window. Whoever saw it first cried out, ”I see the star!“ And often they cried out both together, knowing so well when it would rise, and where. So they grew to be such friends with it, that, before lying down in their beds, they always looked out once again, to bid it good-night; and when they were turning round to sleep, they used to say, ”God bless the star!“

But while she was still very young, oh very, very young, the sister drooped5, and came to be so weak that she could no longer stand in the window at night; and then the child looked sadly out by himself, and when he saw the star, turned round and said to the patient pale face on the bed, ”I see the star!“ and then a smile would come upon the face, and a little weak voice used to say, ”God bless my brother and the star!“

And so the time came all too soon! when the child looked out alone, and when there was no face on the bed; and when there was a little grave among the graves, not there before; and when the star made long rays down toward him, as he saw it through his tears.

Now, these rays were so bright, and they seemed to make such a shining way from earth to Heaven, that when the child went to his solitary6 bed, he dreamed about the star; and dreamed that, lying where he was, he saw a train of people taken up that sparkling road by angels. And the star, opening, showed him a great world of light, where many more such angels waited to receive them.

All these angels, who were waiting, turned their beaming eyes upon the people who were carried up into the star; and some came out from the long rows in which they stood, and fell upon the people's necks, and kissed them tenderly, and went away with them down avenues of light, and were so happy in their company, that lying in his bed he wept for joy.

But, there were many angels who did not go with them, and among them one he knew. The patient face that once had lain upon the bed was glorified7 and radiant, but his heart found out his sister among all the host.

His sister's angel lingered near the entrance of the star, and said to the leader among those who had brought the people thither8:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said ”No.“

She was turning hopefully away, when the child stretched out his arms, and cried, ”O, sister, I am here! Take me!“ and then she turned her beaming eyes upon him, and it was night; and the star was shining into the room, making long rays down towards him as he saw it through his tears.

From that hour forth9, the child looked out upon the star as on the home he was to go to, when his time should come; and he thought that he did not belong to the earth alone, but to the star too, because of his sister's angel gone before.

There was a baby born to be a brother to the child; and while he was so little that he never yet had spoken word he stretched his tiny form out on his bed, and died.

Again the child dreamed of the open star, and of the company of angels, and the train of people, and the rows of angels with their beaming eyes all turned upon those people's faces.

Said his sister's angel to the leader:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said ”Not that one, but another.“

As the child beheld10 his brother's angel in her arms, he cried, ”O, sister, I am here! Take me!“ And she turned and smiled upon him, and the star was shining.

He grew to be a young man, and was busy at his books when an old servant came to him and said:

”Thy mother is no more. I bring her blessing11 on her darling son!“

Again at night he saw the star, and all that former company. Said his sister's angel to the leader:

”Is my brother come?“

And he said, ”Thy mother!“

A mighty12 cry of joy went forth through all the star, because the mother was reunited to her two children. And he stretched out his arms and cried, ”O, mother, sister, and brother, I am here! Take me!“ And they answered him, ”Not yet,“ and the star was shining.

He grew to be a man, whose hair was turning gray, and he was sitting in his chair by the fireside, heavy with grief, and with his face bedewed with tears, when the star opened once again.

Said his sister's angel to the leader: ”Is my brother come?“

And he said, ”Nay13, but his maiden14 daughter.“

And the man who had been the child saw his daughter, newly lost to him, a celestial15 creature among those three, and he said, ”My daughter's head is on my sister's bosom16, and her arm is around my mother's neck, and at her feet there is the baby of old time, and I can bear the parting from her, God be praised!“

And the star was shining.

Thus the child came to be an old man, and his once smooth face was wrinkled, and his steps were slow and feeble, and his back was bent17. And one night as he lay upon his bed, his children standing round, he cried, as he had cried so long ago:

”I see the star!“

They whispered one to another, ”He is dying.“

And he said, ”I am. My age is falling from me like a garment, and I move towards the star as a child. And O, my Father, now I thank Thee that it has so often opened, to receive those dear ones who await me!“

And the star was shining, and it shines upon his grave.

The fox and the lion 狐狸与狮子

When the fox first saw1 the lion he was2 terribly3 frightened4. He ran5 away, and hid6 himself7 in the woods.

The second time, however8, he came9 near the lion. He stopped at a safe distance10, and watched him pass by.

The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight11 up to the lion, and stayed the whole12 day with him. He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would13 meet again.

They soon became14 good friends.






Once upon a time, there was a man named Naboth, who had a very nice vineyard. He inherited1 the vineyard from his father, he got a lot of money from it.

One day the king passed by the vineyard, he found the yard was so beautiful that he wanted to have it. So he went to Naboth and asked, ”Would you sell the whole vineyard to me? I can pay you some money.“ ”I'm very sorry. It is a heritage2 of my family, I can't give it to you at any price,“ said Naboth. The king told her the story. The queen said, ”You forget you are the king! Let me teach you how get it. You can make Naboth an office, then find an excuse and sentence him to death.“ The king did what the queen said, Naboth died and the king got the vineyard.

When God learned3 about this, he was very angry and said, ”The king must be eaten by dogs, and the queen must be eaten by big birds. They are not good people, they take the things which are not theirs.“ At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.




The Baby Eagle

Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying1 about enjoying their lives.

The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the only world he had ever known. It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide. Many times each day the mother would swoop2 down from the sky and land in the nest and feed the baby eagle delicious morsels3 of food. She was like a god to him, he had no idea where she came from or how she worked her magic.

The baby eagle was hungry all the time, but the mother eagle would always come just in time with the food and love and attention he craved4. The baby eagle grew strong. His vision grew very sharp. He felt good all the time.

Until one day, the mother stopped coming to the nest.

The baby eagle was hungry. ”I'm sure to die,“ said the baby eagle, all the time.

”Very soon, death is coming,“ he cried, with tears streaming down his face. Over and over. But there was no one there to hear him.

Then one day the mother eagle appeared at the top of the mountain cliff, with a big bowl of delicious food and she looked down at her baby. The baby looked up at the mother and cried ”Why did you abandon me? I'm going to die any minute. How could you do this to me?“

The mother said, ”Here is some very tasty and nourishing food, all you have to do is come get it.“

”Come get it!“ said the baby, with much anger. ”How?“

The mother flew away.

The baby cried and cried and cried.

A few days later, ”I'm going to end it all,“ he said. ”I give up. It is time for me to die.“

He didn't know his mother was nearby. She swooped5 down to the nest with his last meal.

”Eat this, it's your last meal,“ she said.

The baby cried, but he ate and whined6 and whined about what a bad mother she was.

”You're a terrible mother,“ he said. Then she pushed him out of the nest.

He fell.

Head first.

Picked up speed.

Faster and faster.

He screamed. ”I'm dying I'm dying,“ he cried. He picked up more speed.

He looked up at his mother. ”How could you do this to me?“

He looked down.

The ground rushed closer, faster and faster. He could visualize7 his own death so clearly, coming so soon, and cried and whined and complained. ”This isn't fair!“ he screamed.

Something strange happens.

The air caught behind his arms and they snapped away from his body, with a feeling unlike anything he had ever experienced. He looked down and saw the sky. He wasn't moving towards the ground anymore, his eyes were pointed8 up at the sun.

”Huh?“ he said. ”What is going on here!“

”You're flying,“ his mother said.

”This is fun!“ laughed the baby eagle, as he soared and dived and swooped.

”Yes it is!\" said the mother.

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